Diamond Lake Area 
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota

 Board of Director's Meeting
Saturday Nov 18, 2023
The November 18, 2023 meeting was held at the Watershed District office, in person and via Zoom. Absent were Gordy Behm, Brian Weist, Tim Groshens, and Ben Anderson.

The August 26, 2023 minutes were approved as read.

Treasurer report as of October31, 2023 showed a checking balance of $3,983.06, Savings $1,034.42 and Money Market $71,478.63 for a total of $76.496.11. Approved as presented.

A motion was m/s/c via email on October 2, 2023 to have Limnopro do a boat ramp survey. The survey showed no findings of invasive species in the boat ramp areas.

Joel Anderson from the Nest Lake Association spoke of their treatment and removal of invasive species. The process included equipment purchase, labor, and chemical application. The Board will look into possible options for use on Diamond Lake. More discussion will be held at the January board meeting.

Eric Hohman. (AIS rep) reported the approval of the $90,000 request from the Watershed District and County funds. The county also approved the $7500 grant for weed treatment for last year.

Discussion was held on the Fish Barrier by the east boat landing. Jeff will check to see if there is a grant available to install a fish barrier to prevent carp from entering the lake.  
Jeff reported there are new funds available from the Watershed District for new lake projects. More info to follow.

Motion m/s/c to make Weed Fest an annual event.

Eric Hohman submitted his resignation from the Diamond Lake Association Board due to personal commitments. Thank you to Eric for all of his work, especially with the invasive species.

The next board meeting will be on January 27. 2024 at 9:00 at the Watershed District office. This meeting will be in-person or via Zoom.

Respectfully submitted,
Pat Ryan Secretary