Members present: Tim Groshens, Mark Streed, Roger Steinke, Bob Meyerson, Pat Ryan, Eric Hohman, Tom Hayden, , Ben Anderson, Mark Kragenbring, and Brian Weist. Absent were Jeff Gertgen, Sandra Bacsa and Anita Hagen.
Zoom meeting called to order at 9:00 am.
The purpose of the special meeting was to adopt the assessment for 2022 weed treatment.
For the 2021 year, the levy was $55,000. Eric reported on past surveys, expenses, and area water treatment percentages. Motion was made and seconded to set the levy at $55,000.
Discussion followed on a possible increase in the application rate, the flexibility of treating a greater area if allowed by the DNR and the anticipation of inflation costs. Motion was amended to set the levy amount to $60,000. Motion seconded and passed. This assessment will appear on Diamond Lake property owners tax bill for the year 2022.
The next board meeting will be on August 28, 2021
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Ryan, Secretary