Members present: Tim Groshens, Mark Streed, Roger Steinke, Bob Meyerson, Pat Ryan, Eric Hohman, Tom Hayden, Jeff Gertgen and Ben Anderson. Zoom meeting called to order at 9:00 am.
Secretary meeting minutes from March 6 board meeting minutes were approved as presented
Treasurer’s report: Savings $12,503.41 4 CDs total $14895.78 Checking $30,039.49
Check #1792 $200 to Judy Christensen for website maintenance.
Dues deposit of $2100.00. Paid members as of 4/30/21 is 212. Treasurer report approved.
Motion passed to hold the annual DLARA meeting on Saturday June 19 at the County Park . A loud speaker system will be used to enable social distancing. Board members: Jeff will run zoom system, Tom loud speaker, Mark donuts, Tim coffee, napkins/cups, Pat registration/dues. Meet at 8:00 am. Possible speakers were discussed. Motion passed to spend $300 on promoting DLARA during Atwater Days.
Eric reported on the AIS survey measuring the density of lake plant growth. Curley leaf is gone where sprayed. Spraying will be done again this year. Snow cover was good for killing weeds.
Newsletter deadline is Tuesday May 17 to ensure printing and mailing before Memorial Day.
A 4th of July parade is a possibility, however DLARA will not be the sponsor.
Bob Schimerowski is resigning from the board. Current board members whose terms expired in 2020 and 2021 are up for reelection with several open positions available. Decided not to have the advisory board previously discussed.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Ryan, Secretary