Diamond Lake Area 
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota

 Board of Director's Meeting
Saturday September 12, 2020
Members present: Tim Groshens, Ben Anderson, Mark Streed, Roger Steinke, Bob Myerson, Pat Ryan. Absent: Harlan Meints, Jeff Gertgen, Eric Hohman, Box Schimerowski and Tom Hayden.

Zoom meeting called to order at 9:00 am.

The July 18, 2020 meeting minutes sent by Pat Ryan were approved as presented.

Treasurer’s report: Savings $12,484.66 Checking $16,873.66 CD $ 14,809.27 for a grand total of $44,167.56. Withdrawals: Harvest Bank $100 (newsletter postage) Waste Management $177.20 (garbage).There are now 280 paid memberships. Motion made, seconded and carried to accept the treasurer’s report.

The board is seeking an additional board member .

In regards to the Errors and Omissions policy, board members should check with their homeowners policy to verify liability coverage. Motion made, seconded and carried 

DLARA will pay for dumpster service at the two landings. 

 Member dues renewal process was discussed. Process will be finalized at the December board meeting.

Pat Bubolz , a DLARA member, reported that $7504.35 has been donated to date for the park benches at the park and along the hiking trail. Cement pads will be poured next week, benches and plaques will then be installed. A dedication will be held at a later date.  

The speed limit on County Road 4 was discussed as it seems traffic speed has increased since the road improvement. Mel at the DOT will be contacted to show our concern on the speed limit.

Eric Hohman reported via email that he will finalize the 2020 AIS activity and will send to the County board. This will enable DLARA to apply for a $8000 grant for 2021. This request for 2021 needs to be done by Oct 1.

The board discussed members concern regarding the blue green algae on the lake this summer. There are a number of causes of this algae ie lack of incoming water, less rain than normal, invasive species.

The next board meeting will be held in December.

Respectfully submitted, 
Pat Ryan, Secretary