Members present: Tim Groshens, Ben Anderson, Eric Hohman, Mark Streed, Harlan Meints, Diane Rivard, Pat Ryan. Zoom meeting called to order at 9:00 am.
The June 20, 2020 meeting minutes sent by Pat Ryan were approved as presented.
Treasurer’s report: Savings $12,484.66 Checking $18,866.12 CD $ 14,785.81 for a grand total of $46,136.93. Deposit of $150.00 from dues. Withdrawals: Cancelled check fee $18.00, Judy Christensen, web site fee $99.99 and Ramsey Printing, July 4th newsletter $56.54. There are now 279 paid memberships. Motion made, seconded and carried to accept the treasurer’s report.
Motion made, seconded and carried to approve the funding of a PO box in the DLARA name if the treasurer chooses.
Automatic yearly payment of garbage service at the boat landings, MN Lakes membership, website fee, Judy Christensen (maintaining the website) membership mailing costs and newsletter costs were approved.
Mike Reike was nominated, seconded and approved to be on the board of directors due to the
The banking resolutions were reviewed and approved with Tim Groshens, Roger Steinke, Bob
Eric Hohman summarized the continuing DLARA efforts to control the Curley-leaf Pondweed infestation. DLARA oversaw the treatment of 85 acres in 2020. It is recommended to treat 95 acres on Diamond Lake next year with DLARA requesting DNR permits for 85 acres and the remaining 10 acres allotted to lakeshore owners for personal permits. Motion made, seconded and carried to request a $55.000 assessment from Kandiyohi County and administered by MFLCWD to cover the estimated cost of treatment in 2021, and to apply to the Kandiyohi County’s AIS department for grant money to help pay for the survey expense and increases in chemical costs.
It was reported that 5-7 park benches are spoken for along the bike trail and park site with funds secured by donations. There will be no cost to DLARA and the monies will be handled by Kandiyohi county.
There will be no 2020 annual meeting of the DLRA this year due to the COVID restrictions.
Motion made, seconded and carried to authorize Tim to determine a process of collecting members email addresses. The next DLARA board meeting will be Sept 12 with meeting site to be determined.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Ryan, Secretary