Diamond Lake Area 
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota

 Board of Director's Meeting
Saturday June 20, 2020
Members present: Tim Groshens, Bob Meyerson, Ben Anderson, Eric Hohman, Mark Streed, Harlan Meints, Diane Rivard, Pat Ryan, Roger Steinke.  

Zoom meeting called to order at 9:00 am.

The May meeting minutes sent by Tim Groshens were approved as presented.  
Pat Ryan has agreed to accept the secretary position. Motion made, seconded and passed to have Pat Ryan as the secretary.

Treasurer’s report: Savings $12,478.43 Checking $19190.65 CD $ 14762.85 for a grand total of  $46431.93. Deposit of $70,000.00 from WaterShed District. Withdrawals: Waste Management $177.20, Limnopro $78038.59. There are now 275 paid memberships. Motion made, seconded and passed to accept the treasurer’s report.

Discussion followed on the treasurer’s position and details of duties such as collecting dues, updating the membership list, newsletter mailing list.  
Roger Steinke was nominated, seconded and approved to be on the board of directors.

Eric Hohman gave a report on the Invasive Species project. Limnopro submitted a bill in the amount of $5215.49 for surveying and mapping of curleyleaf pondweed areas. A motion was made, seconded and passed to ratify the Limnopro contract of $5215.49. 

 A grant application from Kandiyohi County for spraying, which shows the final Limnopro survey results, is due July 30.

Pat Bubolz gave a presentation of benches for the bike trail and park area. All will be donated with no cost to the lake association. A motion was made, seconded and passed for Pat Bubolz to check with the County to see if they will handle the donations and finances with the Association as backup.

The July 4th July 4 newsletter is about done. Articles will be on County Commissioner candidates, AIS project, July 4thcarried to mail the newsletter at the permit rate. A motion was made, seconded and carried to 
reimburse the Harvest Bank of Atwater for the previous newsletter first
 class mailing.

Respectfully submitted, 
Pat Ryan, Secretary