Members present: Pat Ryan, Diane Rivard, Becky Ricklefs, Harlan Meints, Lee Mammen, Mark Streed, Ben Anderson Meeting called to order at 2:00.
The board dispensed with reading the minutes for the last meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Savings: 12,426.65 Checking: 16,485.60 CDs: 14,552.39 Grand Total: 43,464.64 No Deposits Withdrawals: Harlan—mileage 157.00 John Ryan—Access Restoration Project: 2000.00 Harlan—Annual Mtg. Thank You Gift Cards 166.47 Ramsey Printing & Design—Labor Day Newsletter 363.11 Membership: 265 Ben motioned, Mark seconded. Treasurer’s Report accepted
Harlan advised the board he is resigning as president effective at the April/ May board meeting. He will stay on the board and help the new president as needed. Diane informed the board that she will stay through the membership drive and will be resigning from the board in June. Becky will not be running for re-election to the board in June. Bob Schimerowski will be the acting president until a new president is elected.
Harlan will apply for the grant for weed control. Jeff Gertgen is looking at grants from the state for weed control, but they have not been available to us in the past. Diane motioned and Lee seconded to let Harlan keep the printer that the association purchased in return for mileage and the thumb drive with information for the new president. Motion passed.
New signs for the dumpsters with just the association’s name as the contributors have been installed. Bigger dumpsters will be available in December, January, and February to accommodate ice fishermen. LimnoPro is suggesting we spray Sunset Bay, Sunset Addition, and an area by the outlet for curly leaf pondweed. That covers 153 acres at a cost of $79,827.19. The grant from the county will pay half the cost. The rest is paid by the Watershed, which is reimbursed through taxes paid by residents on the lake. Diane motioned, Pat seconded to spray the area recommended by LimnoPro. Motion passed.
Harlan informed the board that two people are needed to meet with the Watershed each year to set up what to set aside for spraying the next year. Harlan will do it for this year.
Harlan Madsen returned the gift card sent to him as a thank you for speaking at our annual meeting as he cannot accept payment as a public official. The money will be used to help pay for the cost of the annual meeting.
Mark and Tom have not heard back from a state official about whether the county and/or state should pay for the access restoration project at John Ryan’s rain garden instead of charging the Watershed and the Ryans.
Harlan will continue to store the weed roller for use by residents of the lake. Election of new officers will be discussed at the May meeting.
Dues letters will be going to everyone that gets the newsletters. Harlan will make sure this happens, along with helping with labels.
As to the work on the new road around the park, everything will be tarred by January 1 for sure. Hopefully it will be done in October.
Lee motioned, Diane seconded to purchase a new coffeepot for the annual meeting. Motion passed.
Diane offered to reserve the shelter house at the county park for the annual meeting. Diane motioned, Pat seconded to adjourn. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted: Becky Ricklefs, Secretary