Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Board of Director's Meeting
Saturday May 18, 2019
Members Present: Gordy Behm, Diane Rivard, Harlan Meints, Pat Ryan, Erick Hohman,
Bob Schimerowski, Milly Wheeler-Gertgen, Mark Streed, Tim Groshens,
Becky Ricklefs

Harlan caviled the meeting to order at 10:28 AM.
Minutes of the August meeting were read. Eric motioned, Bob seconded,
minutes were approved.

The Treasurer’s Report was as follows:
Savings $12,405.00
Checking $25,715.01
CDs: $14,475,97
Total: $52,595.98
Pat motioned, Bob seconded, report approved.

Bills to be paid:
Mileage for Harlan: $86.00
Miller Sanitation: $530
Minnesota Lakes & Rivers membership: $200
We will have a $25 discount from Ramsey Publishing for our dues letters
next year.
Diane motioned, Tim seconded, bills approved.
Eric motioned, Milly seconded to pay Diane mileage. Motion passed.

Gordy indicated he will not run for reelection to the board.
Milly will not run, but her husband Jeff will run
Bob and Mark will run for reelection.

We did not get a grant to help pay for weed control this year because we
missed the deadline. This was because Harlan did not get the notice that
the deadline had changed. We are not treating this year so LimnoPro can
inspect the lake for invasive plants. They will inspect 635 acres this year
for $5073.65. We have asked for $20,000 this year for the fund set up to
control invasive plants. This is to pay LimnoPro and $9000 yet due to pay
the site survey cost for the assessments for weed control. Any extra will
roll over to next year.

It was reported that the Spiny Starwort has not spread on Lake Koronis.
Zebra mussels are not bad on any lakes except Green Lake. Diamond
Lake may not be affected much by zebra mussels.

The Hubbard, Wheeler, Schultz project drew down the lakes over the
winter and filled back up in 1 1/2 weeks. It killed off more than 99% of the

On the road project, the park part was scheduled to be blacktopped by
Monday and from the park to Dogfish Bay by the Fourth of July. Of
course, this all depends on the weather.

The directories will be updated after any newsletters are returned.

We decided to pay Judy to maintain the website if she is still willing to do
that for us.

The annual meeting will be June 15, 2019 at the county park. We have the
upper shelter reserved.  We will set up around 8:30. Speakers being asked to attend are Harlan Madsen, Margaret, Dave Cochran, and Mel Odens. It was suggested we
present a timeline of what the board has accomplished in recent years.
Bob will be asked to furnish napkins and cups. Harv will order 7 dozen
doughnuts. Eric will pick them up.

They will be folding newsletters on Thursday. Harlan, Gordy, Sherrie, and
another person will be there. Anyone else is welcome to help.

Erosion has worsened as a result of the road project on a Watershed
project near John and Pat Ryan’s property. Estimates are in the range of
$30,000 to $40,000 to repair the damage. This could cost the two owners
near the property about $3800 apiece. Tim motioned, Gordy seconded to
help-with the cost after final costs of the projects are known.

Mark informed us that a petroleum company is interested in putting a
natural gas pipeline around the lake next year.

Harlan read comments that were made in returned dues letters. They are
all being answered in the newsletter.

The next meeting of the board will be announced as needed.

In additional business, 10 lots have been conditionally approved by
planning and zoning on the southwest side of the lake. The final approval
will be later by planning and zoning and the county commissioners.

Because of the road project, the dry hydrant needs to be moved further
south. It is proposed to move it to be by the lift station in the private ditch
where Road 26 was. The DNR and the fire department will move the

Motion was made by Bob, seconded by Gordy to adjourn at 12:00PM.