Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Board of Director's Meeting
Saturday August 26, 2018
The meeting was called to order by Harlan Meints at 5:09 PM. 

Minutes of the last meeting having been sent to all members was
motioned by Eric and seconded by Gordie to be approved.  Motion

Diane gave the treasurer’s report.  We have $12,320.10 in savings, $16,
395.96 in checking and $14,297.40 in CDs, for a total of $43,013.46.  We
currently have 264 members.  Gordie motioned and Bob Meyerson
seconded to approved the treasurer’s report.  Motion passed.

$27.50 was submitted by Harv for mileage.  Bob Meyerson motioned, Eric
seconded to pay the bill.  Motion passed.

Motion by Mark, seconded by Bob Meyerson to select all current officers. 
They are as follows:  Harlan Meints, president; Gordie Behm, vice
president; Becky Ricklefs, secretary; Diane Rivard, treasurer.  Motion

Harv will apply for funds from the county for weed control again next

Bob Meyerson motioned, Becky seconded to elect Pat Ryan to join the
board.  Motion passed.

Gordie gave an update on the Hubbard Lake project.  They started draw
down 3 weeks ago.  They had to shut it down after the 3 inch rain we had. 
The second phase opened bids on the 15th.  It will cost $368,000.  That
phase will start as soon as they get the equipment, possibly before
harvest.  The next phase is between Schultz and Wheeler and on the
dump road north of Mike Buer’s farm site.  Schultz was down 3 foot before
the rain.  They will have to dredge Schultz lake to get to the deepest part
to drain.

The lake directory has been updated.  Paper copies can be picked up at
Harlan’s house.  Twelve have been picked up already.

The 2018 annual meeting will be June 16, 2018.  The upper shelter has
been reserved.

There will be no envelopes for dues in the July newsletter.  We had to
return 35 dues this year because people double paid.  Out of the dues we
received in July, only 6 were new.

We will not join Conservation Minnesota this year.  We will join Minnesota
Lakes & Rivers again.

Becky motioned, Mark seconded to allow Harv & Diane to purchase
needed materials to send out dues letters in January.

Discussion was held on possible projects for the Lake Association to
undertake.  A new dock on the East side of the lake was discussed.  It was
decided not to pursue this project.  Paying $50 toward the clean out of
grinders for paid members was discussed on a one-time basis.  It was
decided to wait and see what other suggestions we get from dues letters
before a project is undertaken.

The new name of the sewer district is Glacial Lakes Sanitary Sewer and
Water District.  There will be a list in the Labor Day newsletter of who to
contact if you have problems.

The new bylaws are now on our website.

Eric Katzenmeyer is the new DNR invasive species person.  He will work
with us on the weed spraying next spring.

Diane motioned, Becky seconded to adjourn the meeting.

Submitted by Becky Ricklefs, Secretary.