Members present: Becky Ricklefs, Harlan Meints, Tim Groshens, Ken Gutzwiller,
Gordy Behm, Milly Wheeler-Gertgen, Bob Schimerowski, Eric Hohman
Harlan called the meeting to order at 10:00
Minutes were read. Gordy motioned, Ken seconded, minutes passed.
Treasurers Report: Diane was not present. Harv reported that we now have 228 members.
Bills presented: $530 for two dumpsters was already passed. Mileage $56 to Harv. Gordy motioned, Jim seconded to pay. Passed.
Becky, Bob Meyerson, and Tim are up for reelection at the annual meeting. Becky and Tim agreed to run again. Becky motioned, Milly seconded to add Bob and Eric to the board.
Harv updated the board on the weed spraying this spring. 15 acres in one area and 5 in another will be sprayed. This is the same amount as last year. They will be spraying on Monday, May 15. After they spray, we will get a map of what they sprayed. Milly motioned, Bob seconded to pay the bill and then we will get reimbursed. We got $5000 AIS grant from the county, with us matching $5000 for the spraying of the weeds.
Gordy reported on the Hubbard Lake project. Schultz is done. Second phase will be done in the late summer. They hope to start draw down this fall. The stop logs are done to keep water from running out of Diamond.
Harv is updating the lake directory. Some copies will be at Harv’s house if people don’t have internet. It will also be on the web page.
The annual meeting will be June 17 at 9:30 AM at the county park. Margaret from the Watershed, Harlan Madsen, our supervisor, and Dave Cochran from the DNR will present at the meeting. Bob will provide cups and napkins, Harv will take care of coffee, Milly will order and pick up donuts from Peaceful Thymes. We will set up an hour ahead of time. Diane and Sherrie will be at a table to sign people up for the association
and to sign people in.
Harv read comments that were returned with dues payments. He will answer their concerns in the newsletter.
Becky motioned, Bob seconded to join MLR (Minnesota Lakes & Recreation).
Harv will write his president’s article for the newsletter. The Hubbard Lake project, moving the road, and the new owners of the resort are ideas for the newsletter. Harv is updating the mailing list.
Tim motioned, Ken seconded to pay for coffee and toner for the printer.
Discussion of updating the by-laws included changing the annual meeting to the third weekend of June. Tim is going to rewrite Article II, Sections 1 and 2 and get them to the board before the annual meeting.
We will wait to decide the date of the next meeting, depending on what matters need to be addressed.
Bob is going to do the water testing this summer. Peaceful Thymes has a map of Diamond Lake. We decided to get a sample to see if we want to get involved in distributing it. Jeff Wheeler is going to talk to the county engineer about getting flashing speed limit signs at various spots around the lake.
Gordy motioned, Tim seconded to adjourn.
Submitted by Becky Ricklefs, Secretary