Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Board of Director's Meeting
Saturday August 27, 2016
Members present: Gordy Behm, Becky Ricklefs, Diane Rivard, Harlan Meints, Bob Meyerson, Brian Wiesman, Jim Teschendorf, Ken Gutzweiler

Harlan called the meeting to order at 5:05.

Minutes were read, with the correction of Treasurer’s Report.
Ken motioned, Brian seconded, reading of minutes passed. Treasurers Report: We have $13,301.51 in savings, $16,068.78 in checking, $14,239.47 in CDs for a total of $43,609.76.  Gordy motioned, Ken seconded, passed Treasurer’s Report Bills presented: Harlan $54 mileage. We will have bills for the Labor Day newsletter. Brian motioned, Gordy seconded, to pay the bills, including newsletter.

The following officers were elected: Harlan—president, Gordy—vice
president, Becky—secretary, Diane—treasurer. Bob motioned, Diane
seconded the slate of officers. Passed.

Dorie and Jim Leither were present to ask for funding for the project being done beside their property. They are sharing the more than $36,000 cost with their neighbor, Brian and Jayne Borth. The Watershed District is paying 75% of the cost and they are asking for funding from DLARA. Discussion of changing the original working of our agreement to fund projects, Gordy motioned, Ken seconded, motion passed to change the
wording as follows: “Each project is eligible for funding from DLARA at a rate of 10% of the approved funded costs up to a maximum of $1,000 per project. This amount could be raised or lowered, depending upon the circumstances involved, at the discretion of the Board. DLARA will make the final determination if and what funding is approved. The underlined is the additional language.  Ken motioned and Bob seconded to award the Leithers and Borths $2,000 each for their project. Motion passed. 

Gordy reported on the Hubbard, Schultz, Wheeler project. All permits have been obtained and bids have been let. The project will be awarded in 3 weeks. The pipes from northwest of Schultz to County Ditch 28 will be done this fall.

Jim updated us on the possibility of a carp harvest at the lake. The person wants to be guaranteed 40,000 pounds of carp or we will have to subsidize the harvest. He is going to do a survey of the lake to decide if he is interested and will get back to us.

We approved a new letter for renewal of dues.

Brian motioned, Diane seconded, to automatically pay the dumpster fees without a motion.

It was noted that the sewer warranties end on November 1.

The renewal of the web page will be automatic, voted on 5/12/2012.

Discussed having cameras at the accesses to monitor cleaning of boats. It was decided we were not interested at this time.

Bob motioned, Brian seconded to join MN Lakes & Rivers at a cost of $200, motion passed.

Brian motioned, Bob seconded to purchase larger signs to put at the accesses when we have a “No Wake Zone” situation. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned 6:37.
Submitted by Becky Ricklefs, Secretary