Members present: Harlan Meints , Jim Teschendorf, Tim Groshens, Bob Meyerson, Becky Ricklefs, Gordie Behm, Brian Weseman and Milly Wheeler-Gertgen
Harlan called the meeting to order at 9:00. Minutes of the last board meeting were approved.
1.Treasurer report: Not available at this time. Motion made, seconded and passed to accept report and pay bill. Bills presented were $530 for the dumpsters at the 2 accesses, $85 to Harv. We have 246 paid members at this time.
2. Harv suggested that he run off the dues payment letters instead
of hiring it done. Tim motioned, Gordy seconded to do this. Motion
passed. Will look into the $ we could save.
3. The levy proposal for spraying curly leaf pondweed passed at the Watershed District. We did 21 plus acres last year. We have applied for a grant from the County Invasive Species Committee to pay half the cost of spraying of the weeds, but haven’t heard back yet. The inspector says we have 15 acres that need to be sprayed this year. They were supposed to spray May 16. The bill will go on the tax roll for all lake residents.
4. Gordy Behm, Milly Wheeler-Gertgen and Brian Weisman’s terms are up. All said
they would rerun for the board at the June 11 annual meeting. Milly’s e-mail is
5. The Wheeler/Schultz/ Hubbard project is waiting for the Corps of
Engineers to issue a permit.
6. Jim and Bob are researching the possibility of getting a group to harvest carp from the lake. Report will be made at the annual meeting.
7. Harv & Dianne will work on streamlining the dues letter to shorten and allow us to get more feedback.
8. Harv & Sherrie are working on the directory. They are waiting for the County to send updates.
9. Annual meeting June 11 at 9:30 at the lower shelter. Getting donuts from Elsie in Atwater, 6 doz.
Bob will get napkins, Brian and Milly will help set up for the meeting
It was discussed changing the date of the annual meeting so we don’t have it on the same day as Green Lake. Makes it hard to get DNR and Watershed speakers. We haven’t heard if Watershed District will attend or if Harlan Madsen will be there.
10. Newsletter is at the printers. Will be assembling on Wednesday at 2:00. At Atwater bank annex.
11. Discussion of how the county ditch assessment will effect resident of the lake. Gordy will check with Loren Englebee of the Ditch Authority and report at the annual meeting.
12. There is a new aquatic invasive species on Lake Koronis—Starry Stonewart!! This is the only lake in the state that is infected so far. Cost to CONTROL it estimated at $800,000 over 5 years.
13. DNR is harvesting fish eggs (walleye)for stocking from Koronis, Diamond, and Rice Lakes. They
take the fish out to collect the eggs then return the fish to the lake. The survival rate increase from 1% to 6% when the fry are re stocked into Diamond. The DNR also stocks some 4 to 5 inch walleyes into our lake to help maintain population levels. We have an abundance of baitfish in Diamond at this time which is causing the fishing to be slow.
14. It was decided to let the liability insurance lapse.
15. There is an Open House at the Watershed in Spicer on June 7 from 5 to 7 pm
16. The DNR has a new invasive species specialist, (Nick Brown has moved on) Tim Plude.
17. A letter of resignation from Colleen O’Leary was read and Becky R. agreed to take over her secretary duties.
18. Gordy Moved and Brian seconded to adjourn. Motion passed
Submitted by Becky R. and Harlan Meints recalling discussion.