Call to order by president Meints
Present: Harlan, Gordie B., Becky R., Gordon B., Bob M., Tim G., Jim T., Ken G., and Diane R. came at 3:15
Minutes of last meeting approved. Gordie moved seconded by Ken all in favor
Treasurer’s report: $33,245.81 Ken moved and Jim seconded passed
Bills to pay Harlan $51.00 for ink and mileage. Moved by Bob seconded by Gordie motion passed.
1. Electron of board officers moved by ken and seconded by Gordon to keep officers as is at at present motion passed
2. Discussed weed spraying this year and noted that we received $1,000 from the DNR total bill was over $6,000
3. The weed project was discussed :
a. The Watershed district has agreed to be the overseeing government for this project. Project number 2014-02
b. The board voted to go forward with the project and authorized the watershed district to hire an engineer and viewers to go forward with the project. Engineer fees were $11,251.
c. This fee and the viewer’s fee will be added to the project cost and spread over a 10 year period and charged to all lake property owners.
d. Money’s are being sought to help defray these startup costs.
e. Additional information on the project will be in the Labor Day newsletter.
4. The Hubbard Lake Chain Project is moving along with work hoping to be started late summer of 2015.
5. Jim T. asked about help Judy C. update the website for the lake. After discussion, moved by Harlan and seconded by Gordie and motion passed have Jim help.
6. Discussed an increase in lake dues but matter was tabled until annual meeting next year.
7. President asked to be allowed to get materials to send out dues letter this winter. Motion made by Tim and seconded by Gordon motion passed
8. Date of the next board meeting will be determined at a later date.
9. Noted that officers will be identified in the directory at the back of newsletter.
10. Motion to adjourn by Diane and seconded by Ken motion passed
Submitted by Harlan Meints