Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Board of Director's Meeting
Saturday June 7, 2014
Members in attendance include Bob Meyerson, Harlan Meints, Diane Rivard, Colleen O’Leary, Jim Teschendorf,  Tammy Skovbroten, Brian Weseman.

Meeting was called to order by President Harlan Meints.

The treasurers report showed-- Savings $17258.16, Checking  $2798.29, CDs $14116.44, Deposits $325.00, Debits $7823.63.  Paid membership 217 of 365.  Motion Jim, 2nd Bob to accept the Treasures report.  Motion carried.

220 paid members.  A list of paid members will be put in the July newsletter.  A discussion to move to Silver $25, Gold $50, and Platinum $250 (lifetime) membership was held.  Motion Diane, 2nd Tammy to accept these 3 levels.  Motion carried. 

Bills were presented for Liability Ins, Ramsey Printing, Kingston Archery club, Mileage and ink to Harv, PLM  and Miller Sanitation.  Motion by Jim, 2nd by Bob to pay the bills.  Motion carried.

The petition for weed control continues from last fall.  Currently we have about 80 property signatures and need to have ~100.  Keep at it.

The DNR weed grant was applied for and allowed, the spraying of ~7.7 acres on the north bay was done and the bill has been paid.  Brian indicated that in last year’s area there are very few curly pond leaf weeds showing at this time.

7 newsletters were returned.  Will check addresses.

The carp tournament had 21 boats.  Craig M sent a letter of thanks.  Our bounty cost was $85 + about $300 for the dumpster.  Motion by Bob and 2nd by Brian to continue the Carp Tournament if requested for next year.  Motion carried.

Hubbard Lakes project update—Bob, Jim, Ken and Harv attended the Watershed District Open House where the MFCRWD moved to go forward with the project.  There were some concerns about water in the ditch would hit quicker in the spring and cause erosion, and that the drawdown might affect the water table.  MFCRWD will take care of any erosion and the engineer said the drawdown should have negligible effect on the aquifer.   There is an issue regarding the ownership of the land where the pipe is to be placed.  DU will pay for survey and abstracting.  There will be one more open house in Atwater explaining the project.

The Liability Insurance was paid, however, we did receive a termination letter.  Patty at agency said not to worry, it was received and we are covered.  She asked for a copy of the letter.

The Annual Meeting will be held on 21Jun14 at the lower shelter of Kandi Park #3 commencing at 930am.  Bob will supply cups and napkins.  Harv will check with Casey’s and Peaceful Times for donuts.  Guests will be Nick Brown-DNR, Josh Cavenaugh-DU, Harlan Madsen-County Commissioner, and Maggie-MFCRWD.

We received a request to join Conservation Minnesota (previously Minnesota Waters).  Our membership fee would be ~$200.  Bob will look into this organization.  Motion by Diane, 2nd Tammy to table until more information is available and we can look at this again at annual meeting.

Dues Letter comments—More speed enforcement on 75th, dilapidated shed on property line, walleye population sucks need to go to other lakes, consider putting dumpsters at the landings instead of garbage cans, loud parties, garbage on the lake during ice fishing, cut the weeds again, safety on the roads enforce 25mph and make signs more visible, county or state should control weeds, road to lake road between #4 and #137, fish stocking, different levels of membership, newsletters should have info on things going on in the park.  All of these have been answered or addressed.

Becky, Bob, Tim, and Gordy B terms are to expire.  Discussion to make Gordy B a director “emeritus”,  Harv will consult with him on this issue.

Bass league will have tournaments 2 times this summer.  Motion to hire inspectors for these 2 tournaments @$80 per tournament by Brian, 2nd Bob.  Motion carried.  Maggie of MFCRWD has informed us that there will be inspectors here on the 4th of July and Labor Day at no cost to us.

The DNR finally took the plastic mesh pieces away from the Fish Barrier.  The secchi disks show clear water to 9 feet---Improving!  The state is giving $256000 to Kandi County to fight invasives.  Green Lake bought a decamination unit and the county will run.

Next meeting will be 20July14 –Sunday in the afternoon.

Motion by Colleen,2nd by Brian to adjourn.