A request was made by Craig M to again have the MSAA State Bowfishing Tournament at Diamond Lake in May of 2014. Last year the group had good participation and took out a lot of the rough fish in the lake. They ask DLARA to provide the bounty of $00.25 per fish and dumpster. Motion by Colleen, 2nd by G.Behm to approve the tournament this year and participation as described above. Motion passed.
A request was made to DLARA for matching funds regarding the Lilleberg Bioreactor Project. Motion by Colleen, 2nd Gordy Behm, to reimburse $1000 for this project that is consistent with our mission to improve the quality of the lake waters. Voting yes—Colleen,G. Behm, Becky, Bob, Tim, Harv, Brian, Ken. Motion passed.
A request was made to DLARA for matching funds regarding the Danielson Farm Wetland Restoration Project. Motion by G. Behm, 2nd Brian to reimburse $1000 for this project that is consistent with our mission to improve the quality of the lake waters. Voting yes—G.Behm, Brian, Colleen, Jim, Ken, Harv, Tim, Bob. Motion passed.