Members present include Becky Ricklefs, Bob Meyerson, Harlan Meints, Ken Gutzwiller, Diane Rivard, Colleen O’Leary, Gordy Behm, Brian Weseman.
The meeting was called to order by President Harlan Meints.
The minutes of the previous meeting were presented as printed. Motion Gordy, 2nd Jim to approve as printed. Motion carried.
The treasurer’s report was presented. Savings $17238.74, Checking $7689.57, CDs $14062.52, Deposits $1550.00, Debits $1160.72. Paid membership 236 of 365. Motion Ken, 2nd Becky to accept the Treasures report. Motion carried.
Bills were presented for Ramsey Printing, sending Membership letter in Jan, Mileage and ink to Harv. Motion by Becky, 2nd by Gordy to pay the bills. Motion carried.
Results of the weed survey were presented –370 letters sent, 131 returned (117 yes, 14 no). Some letters were read and discussion ensued. We will need 25% of landowners approx.100 to sign a petition to the Watershed District. If they decide that it is a good project they will out viewers to decide each landowners annual fee and there will be a public meeting. This is for ~90 acres of invasive species of aquatic flora—the exact locations to be decided by the DNR. A motion was made by Becky and 2nd by Diane to go ahead with the weed project—to go to the 2nd step and petition the Watershed District to take on this project. Motion carried. Diane and Bob abstained.
It is reported that we received a $75 donation—Diane will send a thank you.
Harv was told of a “carp removal guy”. Miller Fish Co comes and takes out the fish and sends it out to the East Coast to the Asian market—no cost. He will look into this further.
Sherry and Diane are working on updating the mailing list and are pretty close to getting it clean.
There was discussion of adding a 13th member. Millie Wheeler has volunteered. Motion made by Gordy and 2nd by Brian to add 13th member. Motion carried.
Brian will check into and apply for a DNR grant for invasives weed control for 2014.
There was discussion of setting dates for next year’s board meetings. 10May14-900am, 21Jun14—930am, 24Aug14-400p.
Motion Gordy, 2nd Colleen to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Colleen O’Leary