Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Board of Director's Meeting
Saturday July 13, 2013

Members present—Harlan Meints, Colleen O’Leary, Becky Ricklifs, Jim Teschendorf, Gordy Behm, Brian Weseman,  Ken Gutzwiller.   

A quorum being present, the meeting was called to order. 

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss our previous directive regarding rain garden and shoreline restoration and how it’s wording meets our intent. 

Our former passed- motion crafted in April 2008 read that the projects for shoreline restoration and rain gardens needed to be approved by the watershed district.  There is some additional wording in that motion that is unclear and needs updating.  There was a discussion of the expectations of each of the governing bodies regarding shoreline restoration and rain gardens.  The group agreed that DLARA intent is to improve the water quality of the lake and that this will be accomplished through working with either of these organizations.  Further, the BOD agreed that it is not our intent to fund “rocking only” projects.  All present agreed to update and rewrite the policy regarding 10% funding by DLARA to include both bodies MFCRWD and Kandiyohi Soil and Water Conservation District and to exclude “rip-rap only “ projects.  All present agree that the new motion will be retroactive to 01Jan13.  President Meints will rewrite and send out for all.

Motion to table the previous motion to pay $418.20 to Mr. Crist until the funding motion is rewritten by Colleen, 2nd by Becky.

Amended Motion 15Jul13 by Harlan Meints, 2nd Jim T
Diamond Lake Area Recreational Association (DLARA) will, in cooperation with the Middle Fork Crow River Watershed District (MFCRWD) and Kandiyohi County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) help fund projects to improve water quality on Diamond Lake.

Projects included, but not limited to, rain gardens, all BMP, shoreline restoration, grass waterways and buffer strips.

Projects need to be located within the 28.1 square mile Diamond Lake Watershed.  (watershed area determined by MFCRWD)

Projects need to approved and funded by one or both of the above agencies

Each project is eligible for funding from DLARA at a rate of 10% of the approved funded costs up to a maximum of $1,000 per project.  (Max. DLARA expenditure of $10,000 per year)

Lake residents need to be a member of DLARA to be eligible.  Persons not on the lake, but having property within the Diamond Lake Watershed do not need to be members to apply.

DLARA will not fund riprap (rocking) projects on the lake.

DLARA will make the final determination if and what funding is approved.

Motion will be in effect starting for projects completed after Jan. 1, 2013.
Any projects completed between Jan. 1, 2012 and Dec. 31, 2012 will be reviewed on an individual basis.

For more information contact  Manager – MFCRWD    Manager – SWCD    President – DLARA

Motion carried.

The above being completed, Motion to take the previous motion regarding reimbursement to Mr. Crist off the table by Colleen, 2nd Harv.  Motion carried to reimburse Mr. Crist the amount of $418.20.

Respectfully submitted, Colleen O’Leary