Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Board of Director's Meeting
Saturday June 8, 2013
Board Members Present:  Becky Ricklefs, Gordon Bloomquist, Harlan Meints,  Jerry Ebersviller, Diane Rivard, Colleen O’Leary, Ken Gutzwiller. 

Also attending Brian Weseman.

The meeting was called to order by President Meints.  There was a motion by Ken, 2nd by Jerry to accept the minutes of the last meeting as presented by email.  Motion carried.  There was a motion by Jerry, 2nd by Ken to accept the Treasurers report as presented. (Savings $27227.68, Checking $2979.03, 4 CD’s total $44257.75.  These amounts include $647.38 in deposits and paid bills of $1889.68)  Motion passed.  We currently have 215 members.    There was a motion by Diane, 2nd by Becky to again send out the dues letter in January.  This can then be followed up in the May newsletter, putting the names of the persons that have paid to date and an optional dues form for those who have not done so.  Discussion centered on the fact that the mailing list was incorrect and with the envelope in the newsletter, many forgot that they paid and then paid again.  Motion passed.

It was reported that the Fish Barrier looks good, there has been no high water to test, the holes do not look plugged, and the appropriate fish are on the correct side.

The DNR came on 06Jun at about 1000am and chemically treated 6.6 acres by Dogfish bay at a cost of $770 per acre.  The total cost is $5129, DNR will pay $1500, our cost $3629.  Motion by Diane, 2nd by Jerry to pay this bill.  Motion passed.  It will take 40 to 50 days to see the results.  Harlan will ask DNR Nick Brown to come and talk about cutting these weeds, currently Mr Brown has indicated that we must harvest the weeds if cut.

The Ducks Unlimited study of Hubbard Lake Chain is coming along nicely, and will perhaps be implemented next year.  Harlan will ask if DU will come and speak to the group and also put an article in the paper.

The carp tournament was a success, Bob will put article in the Newsletter.  Our cost was a bounty of $122(.50 per carp) and $40 +tipping fee for the dumpster.  Motion  by Diane, 2nd by Ken to pay the disposal fee and to invite the group to return.  Motion passed.

The Annual Meeting is 15Jun13 at 930am in the park.  Motion Jerry, 2nd Becky to purchase 6 dozen donuts from New London and coffee.  Motion passed.  We will ask Bob for cups and napkins.  Harlan Madsen will be there to speak on moving the road, Maggie of the Watershed District will also speak.  Gordy B, Colleen O, Lisa P and Jerry E terms are up.  Gordy and Colleen will run again.  Brian Weseman will also run.  Elaine Sietsma advised Harlan she will not be able to be part of the board.

Articles for the Newsletter to be recommended to Bob include:  permit to dispose of weeds, no disposal of wipes in sewer, history articles.  In the Labor Day issue—results of the weed treatment and update on possibility of cutting weeds next spring.  Also, Harv will contact Dean(Sewer project) and check to see if the  Annual Grinder Pump Maintenance is necessary, if so this can be included in newsletter.

We received a thank you from the Watershed District for our Association help in monitoring the lake and in taking part in protecting our waters.

Our liability insurance was due in early spring and no one was here to check different companies for prices, therefore, we renewed with same company.  We will check this summer for better rates.

Comments from dues sheets were read.  All will be addressed.  Many had the same theme—Weeds(cutting and removal), Speed on roads around the Lake, Non-current name and address list (some did not receive and some don’t want to receive)

Loon nests—still unable to contact.  Date of next BOD meeting TBD.  Being no further business, Motion Diane, 2nd Ken to Adjourn.  Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted, CM OLeary