Board Members Present: Bob Meyerson, Gordon Bloomquist, Harlan Meints, Jerry Ebersviller, Tim Groshens, Ken Gutzwiller, Gordy Behm and Craig Mackedanz
Treasure’s report was given—total balance was $45,495.74. The membership was 198 members at this time. Jerry Ebersvillers 1st and Gordon Bloomquit 2nd the report.
Bill were presented by Harlan Meints for mileage, $36. 50. 1st by Bob Meyerson and 2nd, by Jerry Ebersviller.
Harlan Meints happily informed the board that Diamond Lake will be receiving a $10,000 grant from the DNR for Chemical treatment and cutting of curly pond leaf. The time of treatment will be determined by the DNR weed specialist.
Josh C. from Duck-unlimited will be holding a public hearing this summer to inform people of the Hubbard Lake Chain improvement.
Craig Mackedanz talked about the state carp tournament to by held on Diamond Lake on May 18th. Motion by Tim Groshens and 2nd by Gordy Behm to give $250 to Kingston Archery Club for bounty to be paid out as the tournament wishes, and to pay $40 dollars + tipping fee to Miller Sanitation. Craig said that his group will pay for mailing of letters being sent out to lake residents informing them of the tournament.
Ken Gutzwiller made a motion, 2nd by Tim Groshens to pay a bill to MFCRWSD for water sampling that is done on Diamond Lake.
A bill for liability insurance was discussed. Bob Meyerson offered to seek a different carrier. Jerry Ebersvillers made a motion to pay the bill or if Bob finds a cheaper one to pay it by May 17th, seconded by Harlan Meints.
Discussion was held about the grinder system that was installed last summer.
Harlan Meints talked about the AIS meeting that he attended in NLS school. He informed the board that 4 inspectors have been hired by WFLCWD, starting May 24th. They will be making spot checks at different location in the district.
Board members up for re-election this year are Gordy Behm, Collen O’Leary, Jerry Ebersviller, and Lisa Piotrowski.
The Annual board meeting will by June 15th @ county park 3. Next regular board will by June 8th @ 9:00.
Motion to adjourn—Ken Gutzwiller 1st and 2nd by Jerry Ebersviller.
Submitted by Sherrie Meints