August 13, 2012 MINUTES
Board Members present: Harlan Meints, Jim Teschendorf, Jerry Ebersviller, Ken Gutzwiller, Diane Rivard, Colleen O’Leary, Gordy Behm
Also present: Brian Weisman
A quorum being present the meeting was called to order at 903am.
Jim introduced Nicholas Brown, Invasive Species Specialist. Mr Brown indicated that he had been on the lake in late June for a point-intercept survey. He said that he did find a fairly diverse native plant community and under 20% invasive species. While relatively little curly-leaf pondweed was seen growing, that could be due to the late date as it’s prime growing time is in the early spring. A discussion of how and when to control curly-leaf pondweed took place. Mr. Brown indicated that permits are required and that in the past they were issued by the Fisheries Department and had an associated cost, while now they are issued at no cost by the Division of Ecological Resources. Permits can be issued for mechanical cutting (up to 50% of littoral acres), and/or chemical application (up to 15% of littoral acres). All treatments must be 150ft from shore unless permission is granted by landowners. Since Curly-leaf pondweed is one of the first plants to grow after ice-out, the treatment should take place as soon as possible after ice-out, ideally when the water temp is between 50 and 60 degrees. We should apply for permits early in the year (January or February). The cost for chemical treatment runs about $150 to $250 per acre and if we receive a permit, we also are eligible for “control grant” funds. (last year $150 acre, this year’s TBD but probably lower). He indicated that the chemical used is Endothal. Gordy, Harv, and Brian will check with the Watershed District on the success that Nest Lake had with this process in the past year. There was a motion by Jerry and 2nd by Ken to apply for a permit for the chemical treatment of 10 acres in the South East corner of the lake. Motion Passed. A motion was made by Jim, 2nd by Jerry to apply for a Mechanical cutting permit for as much area as would be allowed. Motion passed.
Minutes of the July BOD Meeting were presented as mailed. A motion was made to accept the minutes by G. Behm and 2nd J. Ebersviller—Motion passed.
A copy of the Treasurers report was sent by Lisa. The group had some questions, a motion was made by Colleen, 2nd by Harv to table the report at this time. Motion passed.
One bill was presented for payment—Harlan Meints for mileage--$28.00. Motion by Ken, 2nd by Gordy to pay the bill. Motion passed.
Jim reported that Leroy Dahlke indicated that everything is still on track for completion of the Fish Barrier this fall.
There was no update of the Ducks Unlimited Study.
It was reported that our annual net cost for the 2 dumpsters was ~$300, the County is paying the additional $200. These are at the 2 accesses and are serviced each week. All felt that this was money well spent as they were well used and this helps keep our lake and surrounding area clean and neat.
Bob has reported that he has enough articles ready for the Newsletter. Bob has the list of all homeowners to send the Newsletter and Richard keeps up the official membership list.
It was suggested that we need the Treasurer to be on the lake full time to expedite check writing and deposits. There was a motion by Jerry and 2nd by Gordy –that the DLARA Treasurer be a full time resident of the Atwater area if at all possible. This will enable check writing, deposits, and any other financial transactions to be completed locally. Motion passed. To facilitate this, because Lisa is not on the lake full time, a motion was made by Harv and 2nd by Gordy --to remove Lisa Piotrowski as DLARA Treasurer and to nominate Diane Rivard as the 2012-2013 DLARA Treasurer--. Motion passed.
Colleen reported that the requested thank-you’s were sent to E. Sietsma, Richard Phillips, Judy Christensen, and Jim Teschendorf. There was a request that a thank you be sent to Mr. Nicholas Brown.
Harv reported that the Watershed District is following up on a ~$10000 project that has not been maintained and with ice out, was removed. The Watershed District attorney has sent a letter to the homeowner requesting that they fix the project or return the money that was contributed by the Watershed District. The resident has filed a complaint with the State indicating that the Watershed District is being unfair. There was a report on another project that initially failed. This project is being redone and everyone is happy in this case.
There have been reports that the DLARA has contributed money to pay the DNR to spend more time patrolling our lake. This is not true. The Kandiyohi County Lake Commission -KOLA(of which DLARA is not a member) along with Kandiyohi County are responsible for paying off-duty Deputies (~80 hours for all lakes for the season) to patrol the accesses and the lakes in the County. Also, the MFCRWD does pay some interns from Ridgewater College to do inspections. They have no authority, but may call authorities. Because of the issue of invasives, we will see more of this to keep our lakes clean and safe
Harv talked to Dean and Joe and they indicated that they will return this fall to finish up on the ditches that were not done earlier.
The date and time of the next BOD meeting will be 07 Sep 12 at 7:00p or 15 Sep 12 at 9:00am.
There being no further business, it was moved, 2nd and Passed to Adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully Submitted,
Colleen O’Leary, Secretary