Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Board of Director's Meeting
June 5, 2010
Home of Harlan Meints, Atwater
Present were: Harlan Meints, Gordon Bloomquist, Jim Teschendorf, Jon Hanson, Dale Owen, Tim Groshens, Ken Gutzwiller, Jerry Ebersviller and Lisa Piotrowski.  Sheryl Meints was also present.

Harlan called the meeting to order at 9:00.  Minutes of the last board meeting were approved.
Treasurer report:  there is $4381.86 in checking, $26710.45 in savings, and $13594.38 in CD’S for a total of $44721.69.  Outstanding bills to be paid were presented. Motion made, seconded and passed to accept report and pay bill.

Harlan reported that the liability insurance we applied for was accepted.  Copy of insurance booklet is on file with the board sect.

Jim T. updated us on the fish barrier.  Work should be done this fall.  Jim is also looking into funding to replace the existing fist trap by the lake.  We are also looking to do a survey of underwater plant species in the lake.  DNR has been contacted and we are waiting for a reply.

Bob M. is looking for article to include in the July news letter.

Dale and Harlan updated the group on the Kandiyohi County Lake Association meeting they attended.  The lake received zebra mussel brochures and signs for the accesses.

Harlan is looking into the placement of a spot-a-pot on the east access.  Neither the DNR nor County seen to know anything about it. There has been one there previous years.

Dale is going to see about getting the loon nests returned from the boy's scouts.  Lisa P and family have agreed, with help, to take over placement of nest on the lake.

Jerry E. report that the weed cutting has been done.  Still may make one more cut if needed.  Thanks all that helped.

Harlan and Lisa have been working on a brief overview of common things people on the lake should know.  After viewing sample a few changes were suggested.  The board voted to include this list in the July newsletter.  Motion: Dale  Second: Jerry   motion passed

Gordy Behm has agreed to take care of the water testing for the watershed district this summer.  Thanks

Harlan has checked with Tommy S. about brush pile at east inlet.  Because of early snowfall and a surgery Tommy is still waiting to get the brush burned.  We still owe $100.  President will keep checking on this.

Annual meeting is June 19th at County Park #3 at 9:30.  Shelter house has been reserved.  Coffee and donuts are to be ordered from Thompson's in Atwater.  Speakers are Chad Andersen from watershed district and a spokesperson from KCLA giving a short program on invasive species.

Harlan will present a proposal to change the by-law to allow for board members terms to be adjusted so the same number of directors is elected each year.   This year 8 of the 13 are up for reelection. Motion: Jim,  Second: Gordy,  Motion passed

Discussion was held about how to hold the election of board members at the annual meeting.  It was decided to have printed ballots available at the meeting.  One vote per household.  Harlan will write up the ballot and Lisa will see that they are printed.

Tim G. will take care of handling the paper we need to file with the state each year.  Thanks!

Next board meeting was scheduled for July 24th at 9:00 At Harlan's Home.

Motion to adjourn the meeting   Motion:  Ken   Second: Jim, Motion passed