Present were: Harlan Meints, Jim Teschendorf, Richard Phillips, Bob Meyerson, Dale Owen, Elaine Sietsema and Lisa Piotrowski. Sheryl Meints was also present.
Harlan called the meeting to order at 9:00. Minutes of the last board meeting were approved.
Treasurer report: there is $5702.32 in checking, $26710.45 in savings, and $13594.38 in CD’S for a total of $46042.15. Outstanding bills to be paid were $6.46 to Richard Phillips for postage. Motion made, seconded and passed to accept report and pay bill.
Richard Phillips report that all 2009 lake directories were sent out. Richard also presented a 2010-updated directory for the boards use. Harlan will get copies for the board ran off at the watershed office.
Jim T. reported the DNR has agreed to replace the upper fish trap on the east inlet with a fish barrier. Work to be done later this fall. Cost shared by the DNR, DLARA and MFCRWSD. Jim also reported that the $24,000 Lessard Sand outdoor Heritage Grant for the fish barrier was refused.
Discussion was held about meeting with county on septic issue. Decision made to wait until bids are out and info meeting on May 21TH in Atwater.
Harlan updated group about Monies given to ACGC Schools for environmental studies. The MFCRWSD has been conducting class this year with the 4th graders. Samples from Diamond Lake were compared to other waters.
Tim G. has secured a tax-exempt number for DLARA. Copies are with Jon H. and the sect. This is a state tax-exempt #.
Dale O is checking with the Boys Scouts about getting loon nests out.
Jerry E. has volunteered to be in charge of the cutting of curly pond leaf weed in the northeast bay. A permit was obtained from the DNR.
Discussion of dumpsters at access during the winter was held. Will try to do same next. Cost is small and is good for the lake.
Board discussed what to do with remaining brushing by the Hubbard inlet. Harlan will get in touch with Tommy S. about this. Board still owes him $100 when done.
Bob M. discussed the newsletter that will be published around Memorial Day. Bob requested help in fold and addressing same. Bob will send e-mail when ready to mail seeking help.
Bob M. also led a discussion about the board and newsletter getting insurance to protect board member from liability issues. Motion to acquire insurance was made, seconded and passed.
Bonnie Nelson, From KCLA, was present to discuss DLARA joining the Kandiyohi County Lake Association. Dues and matching grant funds came to $300. The KCLA is work on a project to combat invasive species in the county lakes. Motion made, seconded and passed to join KCLA. Harlan and Dale will attend KCLA meeting Monday the 10th.
Annual meeting date was set for June 19th at 9:30 at County Park #3. Harlan will set up agenda and seek guest speakers.
The MFCRWSD will be water testing on the lake again this summer. Gordie Behm has volunteered to help with this testing.
Harlan told the board that 8 board members were up for reelection this year. Discussion was held about how to change it so that the 3 yr. terms of board members were staggered.
Next meeting is set for June 5th at 9:00 at the Harlan Meints’ residence.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made, seconded and passed.