Present were: Jon Hanson, Gordon Bloomquist, Harlan Meints, Jim Teschendorf, Dale Owen, Tim Groshens, Ken Gutzwiller, Becky Ricklefs, Richard Phillips
Harlan called the meeting to order at 9:00.
August minutes were approved with a motion by Richard and second by Jon. Motion passed.
Jon reported we have about 70 percent of the lake residents as member of the association. He also reported that we have $20302.62 in checking, $26510.94 in savings, $13444.12 in CDs, and $35.00 cash for a total of $60292.68.
Bills presented were $410.19 to Ramsey publishing for the newsletter, $63 mileage to Harlan, and $40 to Harlan for the use of his pontoon for TDML study. Jim motioned, Ken seconded to pay these bills. Motion passed.
Jon reported that we have 106 paid members who have not picked up their directory yet. Jim motioned, Dale seconded to mail them out. Richard will take care of the mailing.
Jim reported that he has talked to LeRoy Dahlke about the fish traps. Shane Rustin, an engineer, has estimated that is will cost $30,000 to put in the secondary trap. It was decided to look at alternatives to his plan. The upstream barrier will cost $27000 to $28000. LeRoy talked to Mike Halverson of the DNR in St. Paul who said that RIM would match dollars to build the barrier. A document and $14000 need to be sent to the DNR, with $6500 of that amount given to us from the Watershed District. Jon motioned, Richard seconded to authorize Jim to send in the document and the money. Motion passed.
There are still 21 bags of fertilizer at Harlan’s house that members have not picked up. They will have until the last day of September to pick up their fertilizer. At that time, any association members may pick up a bag.
Colleen O’Leary is checking on a new law pertaining to speed limits at areas deemed residential to get speed limits imposed from the resort to the county park.
We have authorized $500 to ACGC schools for environmental education. Chad Anderson said he is having trouble getting in contact with the teachers who were going to implement that curriculum so no money has been spent yet.
The pumper list has been deleted from the website.
Tim has not checked into tax-exempt status for the association yet.
Dale is going to take care of removal of the loon nests. It was decided to store them at the shed at the county park and put them in ourselves next spring. Dale will also check into making two more nests and will check at Walmart for possible help with the cost. He will also talk to Todd Anderson at the county park for help with the project.
Harlan will talk to Jerry Ebersviller about sending in the form for weed cutting. Richard motioned, Becky seconded to put Jerry in charge of that project.
Harlan reported that the county commissioners and the Watershed District are writing letters to the state to study and act on the zebra mussel problem.
It was decided to put articles from old DLARA newsletters in our current newsletter. Harlan will take care of getting those done and to Bob.
Next meeting will be in May.
Ken motioned, Richard seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:10.
Submitted by Becky Ricklefs, secretary DLARA.