The meeting was called to order by President Harlan Meints at 8 AM in the County Park 3 building. The minutes from the May 19, 2007 Board meeting were reported by Secretary Vicki Behm and approved. Treasurer Jon Han reported the total balance as of 6/30/2007 was $54,515.91 and two checks were written; one for the printing of the newsletter in the amount of $475.72 and the other for the PO box rental for $52.00. The Treasury report was accepted subject to an audit. Jon to check on getting an audit. Bills to be paid: $7.40 to Vicki for treats, $46.30 to Harlan for tools and $80.00 to the people who assisted with the weed cutting. Motion made, second. Motion carried to pay bills.
Association Member Comments
Jon shared with the Board many positive responses he received from Association Members regarding the work the Board is doing, along with requests on an update on the sewer issue, and other misc. concerns. We have received 177 paid dues and a reminder has gone out in the next newsletter. 126 people responded to the high-speed internet survey with 43 interested. Jim Teschendorf to bring the information back to Frontier.
Loons Nests
Jeff W., scout leader, explained the scouts are always looking for community service projects to adopt and they would be happy to adopt making and placing the loon’s nests in Diamond Lake going forward. The nests will be placed the 2nd or 3rd week in May. Jeff is open for suggestions as to where to place the nests for best results.
Waste Water Treatment Issues
Harlan Meints shared with the Board the emails he had received from Gary Danielson and Gary Geer wanting to re-open dialogue around solutions to eliminate bad septic systems around Diamond Lake. Harlan Madsen attended the Board meeting to discuss next steps around this issue. Harlan Madsen explained that we needed to get accurate data on the status of the septic systems around Diamond Lake. He suggested we consider a mandatory inspection to find out what percentage of the systems would fail or be a public health risk, be non-compliant and or compliant. If a system failed or was a public health risk it would need to be replaced immediately. If the systems were non-compliant and not contaminating the lake, they could be left in place under current guidelines of no action until sale or property improvements occurred. There were many questions regarding who would decide the direction to conduct mandatory inspections, would this be a County wide ordinance, what would be the involvement of the MFCRWSD, could the TMDL study be accelerated to get more data, etc. Harlan Meints will discuss TMDL acceleration with Julie Klocker. H. Madsen’s second issue was how we should re-start the dialogue on some type of waste water treatment. It was determined a sub-committee be formed to discuss the issues and make suggestions back to Gary Danielson. Harlan Meints, Jon Hanson, Bill Shultz and Lowell Skoglund volunteered to be on the committee.
Weed Cutting
Bill Schultz reported that the weeds were cut twice, however the winds delayed the cutting. Next year will be earlier, right after the fishing opening in May. It was requested that the secretary apply for another permit for next year.
Bob Meyerson reported the July 4 issue went out yesterday. The next issue will be Labor Day.
Fish Trap
It was brought to our attention that the DNR said the fish trap needs to be redone. Bill S. to talk with the DNR and get estimates of the cost so the Board can discuss financing. There were not enough carp in the trap to harvest. The gate next to the road will be opened today. It was reported that the DNR said we could trim all the trees by the trap without a permit. The dead trees will be cut and removed in the winter.
Solar Bee
Jim Teschendorf gave an update from the May 29th meeting with Solar Bee and handed out materials from Solar Bee. Each circulating unit costs $20,000 and covers 35 -40 acres. It was decided we would discuss once the TMDL study was complete and the main sources of pollutants were known.
Tube/ditch Problem
At the boat landing on the east side a tube empties into the lake from under the road and is clogged and flooding lawns of neighbors. Harlan to check with Dave Fritz to see what can be done.
Annual Meeting Agenda
Julie Klocker to cover algae and other issues: 45 minutes
Sub-committee on inspection issue: 20 minutes
Passing of By-laws: 10 minutes
Elections for Board of Directors: 15 minutes
Vicki to look at past minutes to determine whose term is up and who was elected when and report back to Harlan M.
Next Board Meeting
If needed, Harlan will call a meeting on July 28th at 8:00 AM at the Community Park.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 AM.
Respectfully submitted by Vicki Behm, Secretary