Board Members Present: Judy Christensen, Chris Black, Jon Hanson, Joan Schultz, Russell Johnson, Harlan Meints, Bob Meyerson, Gordon Bloomquist, Bob Carruthers, Larry Redepenning, Lowell Skoglund
Board Members Absent: Vicki Behm
Guests: Gordon Carity, Delrose Carity, Tom Wright, Bill Schultz, Gordy Behm, Jim DeVaan, Brent Brekke
Judy opened the Board of Directors meeting.
Minutes read and approved.
Treasurers report read and approved. Comments from Jon stated at this time 138 residents have paid their dues for 2006.
Bills to be paid:
Bob Meyerson - newsletter $429.82
Joan Schultz - misc supplies $51.77
Misc residents - gas for weed cutting $120.00
Motion made, 2nd and approved to pay bills.
Septic System Discussion - All
Larry spoke to septic companies. Old septics can be located by a ground probe or camera with sensors. The average cost is $200 to locate and $100 to pump.
Bob informed us Gary Danielson will be at the July 8th informational meeting. We only have the hall until 11am that morning so will set up meeting as follows 1) Harlan to speak, 2) Bolton and Menke to present then 3) questions. For the questions we will limit people to 1 question and a follow-up to allow as many people as possible to get questions answered. Judy will moderate the meeting.
We also discussed the need for a ballot after the meeting for the vote on the sewer system. Motion made and seconded and approved as follows:
to announce at the meeting that a yes/no ballot would arrive in the next issue of the Diamond Lake News (mailing date to be 7/17 or 7/18) with a return envelope as we do when we solicit annual dues. Only 2006 paid association members will be allowed to vote since this follows our bylaws and this Board represents the association, not all lake residents. There will be 1 vote per residence allowed. Ballots must be returned by August 11th to be counted. Results will be communicated at the annual meeting. Jon Hanson will receive the ballots, he along with 2 other Directors will count the ballots to ensure accuracy. The Diamond Lake News mailing will be postponed until after the July 8th meeting - with a target mailing of July 17th or 18th.
Finally, we will move the annual meeting to the Atwater Community Center rather than the County Park as we are anticipating a large turnout. Joan will set-up. Setup for July 8th meeting will begin at 7:30am - Chris, Judy, Bill Schultz, Jackie DeRudder, Lowell, Bob C and Jon to set up. Motion made, seconded and approved to provide coffee and doughnuts. Joan will take care of ordering from Thompson's Bakery.
Impaired Waters - Joan Schultz
Diamond Lake was put on 1999 impaired list for high mercury. 2005 testing put Diamond Lake on impaired list for high nutrient content. Clean water bill passed in 2005, may send some money to help improve water quality in our lake with deadline in 2015. Most nutrient high readings caused by run off, also non-working septic systems. The MPCA in Willmar said if any large (an acre or more) construction takes place to call there so they can make sure all the proper permits are followed (earth berms, water run off ponds, etc.).
Joan will call Marshall Office to find out plans for lake and see if someone from that office could speak at our August 5th board meeting.
Watershed District Update - Gordy Behm
Gordy Behm gave a brief update on the new watershed district. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month at Bell Tower Plaza, Spicer at 7:30pm. Should be up and running in next 2 months, followed by some monies for district lakes improvements.
Bylaws - Harlan Meints
Harland handed out revised bylaws that Harlan, Gordy Bloomquist and Joan drafted for board members to read and go over by August 5th meeting.
Carp Trap - Bill Schultz
Bill Schultz reported he and Lowell spent 4 hours cleaning blockage out of inlet throats. Mr Seaman will be checking and handling any carp to harvest. Also the spearing and bow and arrow hunting of carp pose some problems by dam - rotting fish, trash, etc. Again we ask for new volunteers to help with this yearly project (974-8716). Bill will also track down the loon nest that was placed by outlet in April.
Annual Meeting - Joan Schultz
Board to hold election of new members to association Board. WE need poeple to run - 2 willing names suggested - Mark Kragenbring and Terry Margruth. Need to let members know about location change to Atwater Community Center. Joan will order supplies for meeting.
Joan read thank you note from Gordy and Laura Bloomquist for flowers sent for their 40th year at the resort.
Thank you to all who helped with weed cutting in June. Without you we could not have done much. Lots of weeds on NE side of bay in 5 - 8 feet of water. Not many weeds on north side. People who helped included Joan and Bill Schultz, Chris Black, Tim Jopp, Brent Brekke, Gordon Wittman, Bob Spence and sons, Judy Christensen, Dave Denison and Jim Teshendorf.
Next Meeting
Board will meet on August 5th at 9am at County Park #3.
Meeting closed at 10:30am.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Schultz