Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Board of Director's Meeting
9:00 AM Saturday May 20, 2006
Covell Building, Atwater
Board Members Present:  Chris Black, Jon Hanson, Joan Schultz, Vicki Behm, Russell Johnson, Harlan Meints, Bob Meyerson, Gordon Bloomquist, Bob Carruthers, Larry Redepenning

Board Members Absent:  Judy Christensen, Lowell Skoglund


Chris Black opened the Board of Directors meeting.

Minutes read and approved.

Treasurers report read and approved.

Bills to be paid:
Judy Christensen - snacks for meeting   $5.60
Joan Schultz - misc                                $5.20.
Motion made, 2nd and approved to pay bills.

BOD Members Update - Joan Schultz
Joan report she received a letter of resignation from Dave Solbrack effective May 1st was read to Board.  Motion made and 2nd to accept resignation (passed).  Motion made and 2nd that Board will send thank you to Dave for years of services and to any future board members that retire (passed).  Joan Schultz will send thank you to Dave.

Septic System Discussion - All
Larry had questions about septic pumping program from 2005.  Cost of locating old septic lines, will the Association pay for pumping again this year?  Item shelved until Larry calls septic companys’ to find out various costs.

Bob Meyerson informed board he did not receive an answer to letter sent in the fall of 2005 to ask for another informational meeting.  He did speak with Harlan Madsen, who said the Lake Florida sewer system work has been started and the county is busy there.  Board had wanted the informational meeting between fishing opener and July4th for optimum attendance.  After much discussion a motion was made and 2nd for Bob to approach Gary Danielson and Harlan Madsen to set up a mutually agreeable date between County and Board for an informational meeting on July 1st or July 8th.  Bob will send out notification by the mailing list of the Diamond Lake News.  Motion passed.  Need majority to find out if the Board should drop matter or if property owners want to go ahead or be able to update present systems.

Discussion of Diamond Lake waters – what does impaired mean – is lake still on list?  Joan will call Roger Ramthun of MPCA and report back at June meeting.

Bob Carruthers will bring Lake Florida proposal to June meeting.

Loon Nests - Joan Schultz
One nest was put out this spring by outlet thanks to Judy Christensen and Tim DeRudder.  Boy Scout troop not able to get project underway this spring.  Bill Schultz will speak to leader and report back.

Weed Cutting - Joan Schultz
Weed cutting permit approved from April 1st to June 15th.  Joan asked that more people be available to help.  Bob will put note in newsletter to go out next week.

Bylaws - Harv Meints
Harv not able to update bylaws due to surgeries and people gone for winter.  Harv, Joan and Gordy will meet to update bylaws.  Motion made and 2nd to update and present to Association members for vote by annual meeting (passed).  Also talked about need to recruit new members and a president for vote at annual meeting.

New Business
Carp Trap - Bill Schultz
Bill Schultz reported due to high water levels he was not able to put down carp traps.  DNR said it was not a concern for 1 year.  Permit has been obtained.  Also Bill asked for more help.  After discussion a motion made and 2nd for Schultz to contact Mr. Seamen to take on installation of traps and continued carp removal.  Association will pay for this work (passed).

Annual Meeting - Joan Schultz
Joan has reserved big shelter at County Park for August 19, 2006 at 9am.

Next Meeting
Board will meeting on June 17th at 9am at County Park #3 to discuss.

Harv Meints new address is 14249 Breezy Point Road,  Atwater phone is 974-0111.
Chris Black cell is 507-276-0886 and Atwater number is 974-3434.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Schultz