Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Board of Director's Meeting
8:30 AM Saturday September 17, 2005
Kandiyohi County Park #3, Atwater
Board Members Present:  Judy Christensen, Chris Black, Jon Hanson, Joan Schultz, , Vicki Behm, Gordon Bloomquist, Bob Carruthers, Bob Meyerson, Harlan Meints, Larry Redepenning, Lowell Skoglund, Dave Solbrack

Board Members Absent:  Russell Johnson


Judy Christensen opened the Board of Directors meeting.

Minutes read and approved.

Treasurers report read and approved.

Bills presented- reviewed and approved to pay:
Ramsey Printing (for newsletter) - approx.                                    $ 200.00
Joan Schultz - secretary fee                                                          $ 250.00
Judy Christensen - donuts                                                             $    8.20

Septic Program - Jon Hanson
Jon reported 64 people had been paid for participating in the septic program to date.

Sewer Feasibility Study - All
Most of the board members who were present at the meeting with Gary Danielson, Harlan Madsen  and representatives from Menke & Bolton felt we should have had an agenda in order to be better prepared with questions.  Gary Danielson said the next step would be at least 2 informational public hearings.  These would be held in spring and/or summer of 2006 when most lake residents would be able to attend.  Chris Black noted at the annual meeting the majority of people voted for the DLARA board to carry the feasibility study forward to the next step.

A motion was made and 2nd to send a letter to Gary Danielson, Harlan Madsen and Wayne Thompson (County Administrator) to move forward for an informational, not implementation, public meeting to be held between opening of fishing and July 4th 2006.  A vote was taken and the motion was approved (11 in favor, 1 opposed).

Bob Meyerson will draft letter and present to board at next board meeting.

Vicki Behm will coordinate questions for public meeting in spring of 2006.

Weed Cutting - Joan Schultz
Board voted to go ahead with application for week cutting in 2006.  Several people present confirmed less curly leaf present in the Northwest side of bay.  Move concentration in the Northeast end now.  Motion made, 2nd and approved.

Bylaws- Harlan Meints
Harlan Meints will call group together to work on bylaws over the fall and winter months to have ready for first meeting in 2006.


Board of Directors Meetings - Bob Meyerson
Bob suggested listing the upcoming BOD meetings in 2006 in the newsletter.  Everyone agreed this was a good idea.  The Board will determine the meeting dates at the first meeting of 2006 and publish in the newsletter.

Judy Christensen and Joan Schultz handed in letters of resignation effective August 2006 unless the Board would like them to step down sooner.  This will allow time to elect a new President and Secretary and go through a transition period.  Judy and Joan may recuse themselves from bylaws committee.  Harlan Meints and the Board thanked them for their time and efforts.

Sympathy card and plant to be sent to Russell Johnson, a Director on the Board on the loss of his mother.  Joan Schultz will coordinate this.

Another Diamond Lake newsletter will be published to report the happenings of this meeting.

It was suggested instead of this being our last Board meeting of the year we should have an additional informal Board meeting to prepare for next springs public informational sewer meeting.  We will discuss questions that should be addressed at the public meeting and review what inforamtion we want to be in the newsletter to make sure the public is informed.This meeting will take place at Harlan Meints residence at 8:30am on Saturday October 8th.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Schultz