Board Members Present: Judy Christensen, Chris Black, Jon Hanson, Joan Schultz, , Vicki Behm, Gordon Bloomquist, Bob Carruthers, Russell Johnson, Harlan Meints, Larry Redepenning, Lowell Skoglund, Dave Solbrack
Board Members Absent: Bob Meyerson
Guests: Paul Rasmussen, Gordon Behm, Bill Schultz
Judy Christensen opened the Board of Directors meeting.
Minutes read and approved.
Treasurers report read and approved.
Bills presented- reviewed and approved to pay:
Ramsey Printing $ 306.61
Joan Schultz - coffee pot for DLARA meetings $ 32.64
Septic Program - Harlan Meints
All packets have been delivered. Harlan reported he had 1 extra. Most comments are in favor of pumping and the packets.
Sewer Feasibility Study - Bob Carruthers
Bob C has reservied the Atwater Community Center for the annual meeting since we are expecting a large turnout because of the sewer disucssion.
Bob has a copy of the Lake Florida proposed sewer and noted several differences than the Diamond Lake proposal, such as no hook up charge. There is a possibility of a legal agreement for shared units between 2 property owners. He showed the board and guests what grinder units look like. Green Lake sewer district is an entity of the County and will do final bids as we are hooking into their system. Many questions were raised, best to be asked at the annual meeting. Vicki volunteered to coordinate getting questions from the Board and getting to Bob C prior to the meeting; Bob will in turn give the questions to the presenters to help them prepare.
The DNR feels it would be beneficial but has concerns that zoning not be changed in so far as second and third tiers around the lake. Paul Rasmussen looked at the study and felt that the estimate of future population was overestimated for the 50 year cycle, but noted the proposed system will handle future population.
Concerns were expressed that any system may fail over time, but the current lake lots don’t allow for installation of new systems by current regulations. Concerns expressed that Green lake system was having some problems, for example pipe leakage. There maybe a possibility of some grants from MPCA for partial funding per owner which will have to be looked into.
Format of annual meeting was discussed – Bob C will moderate the session, the presenters will give their information, then there will be a Q&A session with people stating their name and asking their question into a microphone so all can hear.
Slot Length - Chris Black
Chris reported he met with Bruce Gilbertson. The DNR will do a study if DLARA expresses an interest on the fish in the lake. Then the DNR would analyze the results and make a recommendation on the slot limits and lengths. Motion made, seconded and approved to proceed with the study.
Chris gave an update on the stocking of fish in the lake. The DNR watches numbers of fish in the lake as a normal management process. If the fish population gets to low and the DNR needed additional money for stocking they will approach DLARA. In addition the DNR monitors the aquatic growth as part of the standard management processes, but the also depend on citizens to bring in aquatic growth to be checked.
Cormorants- Chris Black
Chris reported New London West Central Bait has a permit to shoot cormorants – people may volunteer to help.
Annual Meeting - Joan Schultz
The annual meeting is August 6, 2005 at the Atwater Community Center. Bob C needs help to set up chairs – Lowell Skoglund and Harlan Meints volunteered to help. A sign-in desk will be set up – Vicki Behm and Ardyce Skoglund volunteered to man it. Joan and Judy will coordinate ordering and picking up coffee, donuts and supplies.
The annual business meeting will begin at 8:30 – agenda topics include septic update, slot length update, weed cutting updated and watershed district update. The sewer informational meeting will begin at 9am.
Watershed Update- Gordon Behm
Gordy reported the offices are at Bell Tower Plaza in Spicer. There is no watershed plan yet. The WSD receives the first tax dollars on June 30, 2006.
Bylaws- Judy Christensen
The DLARA bylaws that were established in June 1974 were recovered when Joan (our secretary) was filing old papers. They need to be updated. According to the bylaws elections must be held every 3 years at the annual meeting. Motion made, seconded and approved to set up a committe to update bylaws and set up election process. Committe members are Harlan, Larry, Judy and Joan. All board members will read copies of current bylaws for September meeting. Election to take place at 2006 annual meeting.
Carp Trap - Bill Schultz
Bill met with Bruce Gilbertson, Lowell Skoglund and Jim Teshendorf at the carp trap. DNR thought the proposed pulley system to raise and lower throats was a good idea. Estimate cost between $500 and $1000. Bill will be in touch with Dale Kragenbrink for cost and will report at September meeting. It was also noted there were no carp at the trap - the DNR says they may have moved to other areas.
Rod replacement needed on traps – DNR thinks the breakage due to beavers. Also the water quality at inlet is much better this year (by Hubbard Chain) though no one knows exactly why.
Larry and son checked on fingers at outlet dam and straightened the bent ones.
Acquatic Vegetation- Vicki Behm
.Vicki reported people on other areas of lake are noticing curly pond weed. They would like their areas included in the permit. The process to do this is to 1) inform the owners, 2) obtain signatures of property owners and 3) get volunteers to cut the weeds. Joan will give Vicki the necessary information.
High Speed Internet- Harlan Meints
Harlan spoke with a phone company representative about high speed internet around the lake. The need to see how many people are interested (requires at least 20 people). Cost is in the $20 range. Harlan will see if a representative will attend the annual meeting to answer questions and set up a sign-up sheet.
Bill Schultz spoke with Jeff Warsnwnski who is the boy scout leader in Atwater. The troop is interested in taking over care and placement of the DLARA loon beds. Motion made, seconded and approved to reimburse the scout troop up to $200 to make 2 more beds. Bill will contact Jeff and give him the bed plans and information about the money. In the spring, Judy volunteered her boat be used to place the loon beds.
Next meeting is the annual meeting, Saturday August 6th at 8:30am at the Atwater Community Center. After that the next meeting is set for September 10th at 8:30am at the Kandioyhi County Park #3.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Schultz