Board Members Present: Judy Christensen, Bob Meyerson, Jon Hanson, Kathy Flaata, Joan Schultz, Larry Redepenning, Russell Johnson
Board Members Absent: Gordon Bloomquist, Tom Deadrick, Tom Sykora and Dave Solbrack
Guests: Paul Benson
Meeting was called to order. Minutes read and approved.
Treasurer's read and approved. Bills were submitted for review. A motion was made to accept payment of all the bills, 2nd and approved.
Ramsey Printing and Design (newsletter) $ 337.64
Joan Schultz (sec't supplies & lumber for storage shed shelves) 185.04
Judy Christensen (annualweb site maint, stamps & supplies) 173.55
Proposed Watershed District - All
Discussion of letter to commissioners approval was received by all. Paul Benson reported he attended the Atwater City Council meeting and they were not in favor of the Watershed District. It was also noted that the Min-Minnesota Development Commission would need 50 signatures to apply or withdraw from a Watershed District. Also the Diamond Lake Area could apply again in a year if residents felt a need to join. A motion was made, 2nd and approved to have a sign up sheet / petition against joining the proposed Watershed District at the August annual meeting. Kathy Flaata reported on the Harrison Township meeting the board did not approve the proposed Watershed District as they wanted time to gather more facts and discuss. The representative from the Watershed District, Joe Flanders, was unable to answer questions to the satisfaction of those present, though he did promise to respond to the questions.
Bylaws - Kathy Flaata & Joan Schultz
The draft of the new bylaws were reviewed and changes made accordingly to the input from the directors. The bylaws will be in place by the spring 2005 meeting. Joan Schultz will call the Secretary of State Office to find out the procedure for getting them approved and report back at the next meting.
Yard Waste Clean-up Day - Joan Schultz
Joan Schultz reviewed costs of various types of waste and roll offs. Roger Ramthun, MPCA, only approved the yard debris pick-up. Board would like to know if we could do curbside pick-up. Joan will check on this and report to Officers. Motion made, 2nd and approved that officers will make the decision to go ahead on curbside pick up or drop this proposal.
Signs - Judy Christensen
Judy Christensen reported last meeting Rick Reimer stated he had funding that could be used to acquire signage related to pollution. Examples of signs are: No Dumping, No Fishing (by the carp trap), Inlet and Outlet. Rick has a catalog showing available signage that we can look at to decide what would pertain to us. Rick had not yet verified his funding nor has Judy seen the catalog. This is tabled until information is received from Rick Reimer.
Annual Meeting - Joan Schultz
The annual meeting will be August 21 at 9:30am at County Park #3. Harlan Madsen and Roger Ramthun will be the guest speakers. Joan Schultz will send out notices and arrange for refreshments. Judy Christensen will get bottled water for the meeting and create an agenda.
Bass Lake Control Structure - Judy Christensen
Judy Christensen reported last meeting Rick Reimer from the SWCD reported that a control structure is approved to be installed this fall on the outlet of Bass Lake to help prevent erosion. The Water Planning District, DNR and landowners are supportive and are going to fund the effort with monies. Rick stated they needed some additional monies to pay for this effort and would give us more details. Rick contacted Judy and stated they required another $500 to complete this effort. Because this will help prevent erosion, we are supportive of it and believe it will fall under the Ag BMP portion of the grant. A motion was made, 2nd and approve to fund this effort. Judy will contact Rick to determine who to make the check out to and where to send it.
Pat Wheeler Livestock Fencing - Judy Christensen
Judy Christensen reported she had contacted Pat Wheeler and informed him we would consider assisting him in making funds available to him for livestock fencing. Pat is to send a proposal to Judy Christensen stating what he wants to do and the estimated cost; when it is received the Board will consider and vote on it. This is tabled until a proposal is received from Pat Wheeler.
Grant - Semi Annual Report Due - Judy Christensen
Judy Christensen reported the semi-annual grant report is due August 1st. The report has been written and Judy asked for a volunteer to review. Bob Meyerson volunteered to review and give his input. Judy also report Roger Ramthun stated this grant cannot be extended beyond its current expiration date of April 2005.
Fall Phosphorus-Free Fertilizer Program - Judy Christensen
Judy Christensen reported she confirmed with Roger Ramthun that we can use the grant money to sponsor a fall phosphorus-free fertilizer program. Judy has contacted Andy Peterson of Peterson Hardware in Atwater who will provide the fertilizer. The program details will be posted on the web site. When people pick up their 1 free bag of phosphorus-free fertilizer we will provide Andy handouts to give them educating them on the benefits of using phosphorus-free fertilizer and why fall fertilization is optimum. Motion made, 2nd and approved to support this program.
Bacterial Water Testing - Kathy Flaata
To date, Kathy Flaata reported 19 people have signed up for the bacterial water testing kits to be handed out at the Annual Meeting. It was decided she should order extra kits in case others want them probably for a total of 25 30.
The next Board Meeting will occur on August 20th after the annual meeting at County Park #3.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Schultz