Board Members Present: Judy Christensen, Bob Meyerson, Jon Hanson, Kathy Flaata, Joan Schultz, and Dave Solbrack
Board Members Absent: Tom Deadrick, Gordon Bloomquist, Kevin Gruenhagen, Russell Johnson, Larry Redepenning and Tom Sykora
Bills approved for payment:
Mr Seamen - $200.00 for carp trap maintenance and removal.
Eco Agri Labs - $148.00 for water testing.
Education Program Discussion - Judy Christensen
Judy reported meeting has been scheduled for 8/22 with Roger Ramthun, teachers Sue Aagesen (ACGC), Urban Torborg (Litchfield), Joan Schultz, Bill Schultz, Jackie DeRudder and Elaine Willems to discuss the educational tie-ins to Diamond Lake. The board made a motion, 2nd and approved spending the allocated educational grant money based on Judy, Joan and Bill's decisions at that meeting. The goal is to get the program going this September.
Ag BMP Discussion - Judy Christensen
Judy would like the Association to extend the Ag BMP program from 12/31/02 to 12/31/03 with the promotion of this program to be this fall. We are down to $1500 in that area of our grant money as we have spent an estimated $4000 this year on the program. Judy want's the boards approval to work with Roger to move money from one area of the grant to the Ag BMP program area (possibly from lakescaping). The board made a motion, 2nd and approved this.
Audit of Books Update - Jon Hanson
Jon Hanson reported the books were audited by Larry Redepenning 8/16/03, according to Larry all is okay. Russell Johnson will perform his audit next week.
Lake Studies Discussion - Bill Schultz
Bill will speak to Myrna Halbach about previous lake studies done on Diamond Lake. Some board members pointed out studies had been done in previous years that would not need to be repeated, which will save some time and money. Bob Meyerson has copies of these studies and will get them to Bill to take to the MPCA.
Board Meeting Location Discussion - Joan Schultz
Joan spoke with Todd Anderson, Manager of Kandiyohi County Park #3 about a place to hold Board meetings next year. He offered the shelter at the park. This will be discussed and voted on in our next meeting.
Next Board Meeting 9/22/03 7pm
Mary Lou's Restaurant, Atwater
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Schultz