Board Members Present: Bob Meyerson, Jon Hanson, Kathy Flaata, Russell Johnson, Joan Schultz, Larry Redepenning, Tom Sykora and Dave Solbrack
Board Members Absent: Judy Christensen, Tom Deadrick, Gordon Bloomquist and Kevin Gruenhagen
Guests Present: Rick Reimer and Sharon Dragt
Minutes read and approved from previous meeting.
Treasurer's Report approved.
Motion made and 2nd to pay bills as submitted -
Judy Christensen 373.25
Annual web site maintenance fee - 84.99
Stamps - 1.85
Kinkos for copies of directories - 276.90
Sam's for water for the annual meeting - 5.52
Best Buy for mailing labels for directories - 3.99
Bob Meyerson mailing of newsletter 150.00
Mary Lou's Restaurant 50.00
Audit of Books - Jon Hanson and Russ Johnson
The audit has not been completed. Redepenning and Johnson will meet before 8/16/03 to complete..
Water Testing - Kathy Flaata
Kathy Flaata will have the containers to be handed out at annual meeting. The next day the containers are to be dropped off between 1 5pm at the Flaatas. Joan Schultz will help with the paper work. Judy Christensen will transport the containers to the MN Department of Health Sunday evening. Flaata will have a map to her house at the annual meeting.
911 Signs - Kathy Flaata
Kathy Flaata got report from Judy Johnson that several roads around the lake are private drives which prohibits the County from placing the 911 signs on the property unless the owners give written permission. Russell Johnson, Sharon Draft, Joan Schultz, Kathy Flaata and Larry Redepenning will take permission slips around to be sign in these areas and return to Kathy at the annual meeting. For those they cannot contact, the permissions slips will be sent from the County.
Carp Trap - Joan Schultz
Joan Schultz reports Tom and Bill pulled the trap on July 7th, as the permit was done for 2003. Some board members wondered if carp were removed in a timely fashion and if full payment of bill should be approved. It was decided to wait until Mr. Seamen presents his bill and see what was detailed out in it.
Directory Update - Kathy Flaata
The question came up if we would go by the 2002 or 2003 membership for distribution of the Lake Directory. The decision was made to send the Lake Directory out to 2003 paid DLARA members. Extra copies will be available at the Atwater Bank for purchase at a charge of $5.00 per copy. There is some feedback that property owners would prefer phone numbers in the directory this years does not include phone numbers.
Education Program Update - Kathy Flaata
Dave Solbrack spoke with the 7th grade principal and the Life Science teachers at Litchfield, but feels he doesn't want to pursue further involvement until he sees how the program at ACGC turns out (which Judy Christensen is coordinating).
Minnesota Lakes Organziation - Joan Schultz
Joan Schultz called the MLO and found out DLARA had only a single membership. MM, 2nd and approved to join as an organization. We will table this until Judy brings information and forms to the annual meeting on 8/16.
Diamond Lake Directory Update - Judy Christensen
Judy passed out a draft of the Diamond Lake Directory for approval. Gordon Bloomquist said many people ask for directions to different areas of the lake. It was decided to include a map of the lake and county roads around it. The Directory will be given to association members only per the Board.
Bylaws - Joan Schultz
After a search for the DLARA bylaws was unproductive, Bob Meyerson contacted the Secretary of State office. He found no registration fee for non-profit organizations was due and if $6.00 was sent in a copy of the DLARA bylaws could be obtained if they were on file. MM, 2nd and approved to send in the $6.00. Kathy Flaata has a copy of Lake Amelia bylaws and Judy Christensen has one from Green Lake. Discussion about forming a committee for revisions was tabled until we receive information from the State. The Secretary will send in the form after she receives charter number from Bob Meyerson.
Annual Meeting - Joan Schultz
The annual meeting will be held August 16 at 9am at the County Park #3 shelter. The proposed agenda was discussed and okayed.
Water Testing / Ag BMP Program - Rick Reimer
Rick Reimer wanted to thank Kathy Flaata, Joan Schultz and Bill Schultz who helped him with the nitrate water testing on July 15th 85 people brought in water for testing. This was a great turn out!
Our Ag BMP project is doing really. So far 1 person out of 9 has been paid by the Federal Government, so our bills won't come in until the cost share bills are in. Rick says our Ag BMP incentive program has started the ball rolling and other associations are calling him to find out how the DLARA association started the program. Rick encourages us to continue the incentive program.
Ag BMP Program
Question on how the monies were to be allotted for the Ag BMP program for filter strips (the length of time how long they needed to be in place). Will have Judy Christensen clarify at the next meeting.
Question on another meeting place instead of Mary Lou's that wouldn't cost as much and still have room for members and guests was discussed. Joan Schultz will check and see if there would be a place to meet at County Park #3.
BOD Meeting Location
Question on another meeting place instead of Mary Lou's that wouldn't cost as much and still have room for members and guests was discussed. Joan Schultz will check and see if there would be a place to meet at County Park #3.
Motion made and 2nd to adjourn.
Next meeting is the annual meeting on August 16, 9am at County Park #3.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Schultz