Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Board of Director's Meeting
7:00 PM Thursday May 27, 2003
Mary Lou's Restaurant, Atwater
Board Members Present:  Judy Christensen, Jon Hanson, Kathy Flaata, Bob Meyerson, Russell Johnson, Bill Schultz, Joan Schultz

Board Members Absent:  Dave Solbrack, Gorden Bloomquist, Ton Deadrick,
Kevin Gruenhagen, Larry Redepenning, Tom Sykora

Guests Present:  Orlan Flaata, Jackie DeRudder, René McMonigal, Dan Larsen, Randa Larsen


Minutes read and approved from previous meeting.

Treasurer's Report approved.

Motion made and 2nd to pay bills as submitted -
$4652.00 to Steve McComas for past services paid by Jeff Bredburg from MPCA Grant Monies
$339.20 to Ramsey Printing for newsletters
$21.73 to Kandiyohi County for updated disk of property owners for lake directory
$255.20 to Petersen Hardware for fertilizer program
$1000.00 to Ducks Unlimited for the Restorable Wetlands project.

In-kind hours for Shoreline Repair Question - Jon Hanson & Kathy Flaata
Jon and Kathy reported hours for repair of shoreline cannot be logged as in-kind hours for our grand unless lakescaping is included in the repair.

Agricultural BMP Program Update - Judy Christensen
Judy reported that she talked to Marv Olson regarding the special agreements that were made with Mike Pickle and Louella Behm.  Marv had forgotten about the contract signed by Mike Pickle and Larry Redepenning (for the DLARA) stating the payments would be made for a length of 3 years  Marv was under the impression the payments would be made by the association to Mike until the association ran out of money.  Marv will review the contract with Mike later this year when the association makes the final payment (per the contract) to Mike.  In regards to the Behm arrangement, a message is into Rick Remer at the SWCD to get his opinion on the special arrangements that were set up in order to determine how to enforce the contract.

Phosphorous-Free Fertilizer Program Update - Judy Christensen 
Judy reported as of 5/24 forty bags of phosphorus-free had been redeemed by association members.  A check was issued to Petersen Hardware for these bags.  The program ends 6/30, where we will issue a final check.

Education Update - Judy Christensen
Judy reported she contact Sue Aagesen from ACGC.  Last year, Sue had trouble connecting with Steve McComas.  Judy now has Sue and Steve working together to set-up a field trip for Sue's advanced biology class (which has approximately 28 students for fall 2003.  In addition, Sue will outline additional materials the association could purchase for her class to assist the students with their education in regards to lakes.  The intent is to present Sue's proposal at the next board meeting.

Lakescaping Update - Kathy Flaata
Kathy reported the DNR has had only 1 call for lakescaping.

Weed Cutting Update - Kathy Flaata
Kathy reported curly pond weeds have been cut two times.  Not as many weeds were found as in previous years.  A group will go out again on 5/31 weather permitting.  Kathy Flaata will contact Steve McComas or Skip Wright to see if the permit area could be extended to other parts of the lake.

Hwy 26 Construction / Speed Limit Update - Bob Meyerson
Bob reported the 30 mph speed limit may be extended a little.  This topic will be tabled awaiting an update from Larry Redepenning.

Carp Trap Update - Bill Schultz
Bill reported Tom Deadrick placed traps.  Carp will be removed weekly through June.  The lake side section is in need of repair due to high water damage.

Central Storage Space Update - Russ Johnson & Bill Schultz 
Russ and Bill reported the cement slab and shed at County Park 3 is on county property.  The County Park Manager said DLARA may use the slab for a new shed.  Russ and Bill will approach ACGC school shop class to see if they would like to build a new shed with DLARA paying for the materials.  Russ will get the necessary measurements.

Diamond lake Directory Update - Bill Schultz
Bill reported he got an updated disk from Kandiyohi County to Judy Christensen.  Judy will get the directory produced by the end of July.


Annual Meeting - Joan Schultz
Joan will contact the County Park Manager to set a date for the annual picnic.  First choice of dates is 8/16 at 9am.  Joan will let Bob and Judy know to get this in the upcoming newsletter and to update the web site with the information.

Newsletter - Bob Meyerson 
Bob will contact Sheriff Hartog about speed limits around the lake and jet ski rules for the July newsletter.

Auditing of DLARA books - Jon Hanson 
Jon brought up the need to have the DLARA books audited.  Russ Johnson and Larry Redepenning will perform the audit.

Nitrate Water Testing - Bill & Joan Schultz  
Bill and Joan reported Rick Remier was going to offer water testing for nitrates around Diamond Lake on weekend of June 7th.  The board thought this was a good idea, but not enough notice was given to in order for us to communicate this to Association members.  Kathy Flaata will contact Rick to see if this could be done in August so we will have time to notify Association members.

Alum Testing - Judy Christensen
The question arose if we were going ahead with this project.  Bill Schultz will contact Steve McComas to see if we should pursue this and update us at the next meeting.

Loon Project - Kathy Flaata 
Kathy contacted persons in charge of loon projects in the area.  She will follow up with getting information on encouraging loon habitat.  Bob Meyerson will contact Dean Reznecheck for an article for the newsletter on loon surveys.

Sewer - Judy Christensen 
Discussion occurred in regards to sewer around the lake as Judy reported Myron Behm may still pursue doing a survey of residents to see the interest level.  This will NOT be supported by the Association, though Myron said he would not send anything out until he reviews it with the Board.  Bob Meyerson thought this would be a good topic for the newsletter, by having differing opinions with the pros and cons of sewer.

Dog Fish Bay Reclassification  - Bill Schultz
Bill will ask the County Attorney and/or Jeff Bredburg to speak at the annual meeting about the water plan.

Lake Readings - Bill Schultz
Bill asked what to do with the information gathered from the lake readings.  It was decided to give the information to the DNR. Judy Christensen requested getting the information from Bill before it goes to the DNR in order to update the web site (as the DNR site is usually 1  2 years behind with information).

Motion made and 2nd to adjourn at 8:35pm.

Next meeting Monday June 30, 7pm at Mary Lou's restaurant in Atwater.

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Schultz