Board members present: Judy Christensen, Bob Meyerson, Dave Solbrack, Kathy Flaata, Jon Hanson, Russell Johnson, Kevin Gruenhagen,
Larry Redepenning.
Guests: Myron Behm.
Minutes read and approved from previous meeting.
Treasurer's Report approved.
Motion made and 2nd to pay bills as submitted.
Agricultural BMP Program Update - Judy Christensen
Judy presented information on The Agricultural BMP Program:
Number of landowners signed up for program 8
Number of acres to have BMP established68.4
Estimated DLA Cost Share Amount $ 1,326
DLA Incentive Amount $ 2,700
Estimated DLA Total Program Amount $ 4,026
Discussion on the current agreements with Mike Pickle and Gordon Behm. Judy will follow up.
In-Kind Hours - Judy Christensen
The In Kind Hours for 2002 were 230. Please track all project In Kind hours for 2003. We need these hours increased for 2003.
E-911 Signs - Kathy Flaata
E-911 Signs - The Kandiyohi County Commissioners unanimously approved a measure to place E-911 signs through rural areas and awarded a bid for those signs at its regular meeting on April 1.
The Diamond Lake Association would like to extend a BIG THANK YOU to Joann Johnson, 911 coordinator for Kandiyohi County for all her time and support on the E-911 signs project. Joann attended our Diamond Lake Association meeting about 2 years ago when we requested the need for E-911 signs around Diamond Lake. Residents on Diamond Lake had asked for The Association for assistance to obtain the E-911 signs so that address's could be quickly located in an emergency. Joann worked very hard on this project, please take time to thank her when you talk with her. (see attached information)
Educational Program Update - Dave Solbrack
The educational program between ACGC School and DLA seems to be at a stand still. Dave asked Judy to contact ACGC School and find out if they are interested. If they are not interested we will suggest contacting Litchfield High School.
Lakescaping Program - Judy Christensen & Kathy Flaata
Judy presented a lakescaping program proposal. The proposal was approved by the Board and is now in effect.
The program objective: To encourage Association members to participate in the natural restoration of Diamond Lake, the DLARA has established a program where Association members will receive and incentive for establishing native landscaping (lakescaping).
Establishing native landscaping accomplishes the natural restoration of the lakes' shoreline. Native landscaping is landscaping original to the area before development occurred and is ecologically superior to shoreline alterations. Natural or native landscaping improves water quality by slowing storm water runoff. It also attracts a greater and more desirable variety of wildlife.
Program Guidelines:
1) This program is only available to current paid DLARA members.
2) There is a limit of up to $200 per property owner/ family.
3) The program expires December 31,2003.
4) Only SWCD approved plans are eligible for the program incentive money.
5) DLARA is not responsible if the Association member does not obtain the necessary permits.
6) DLARA reserves the right to discontinue this program at any time. If this program is discontinued, all projects previously accepted by the DLARA will be reimbursed as communicated to the Association member.
Program Funding:
This program will be funded through the Diamond Lake Phase II Continuation Grant under the Home Owners Projects program element.
The amount of money available in the Home Owners Projects program element is $ 2280.
Phase II Continuation Work Plan Grant Update - Judy Christensen
Judy presented a detailed breakout of the continuation grant financial summary. (see attached summary).
Sewer Around The Lake - Myron Behm
Myron Behm requested DLA to support a survey letter be sent to property owners around Diamond Lake asking if they are in favor or against a sewer project around the lake. After discussion with board members and Myron the board voted not to support a survey letter regarding sewer around Diamond Lake.
Ice Heaving of 2003 - Kathy Flaata
On March 28th, Orlan and Kathy Flaata met with Skip Wright from the DNR to discuss the lake shore damage from this winters' ice problem. They walked the shoreline to view the damage.
Skip stated that a permit is required from the DNR to repair damaged shoreline. The cost is $75 for the permit. If the lakeshore is repaired without the DNR permit, the fine is $250 and a possible citation.
You can contact Skip Wright at the DNR at 320-796-6272 to obtain a permit.
Curly Leaf Weef Cutting 2003 Update - Kathy Flaata
The Curly Leaf Weed cutting permit has been granted to DLA. The permit is approved until June 13,2003. THANKS to Dave Denison for his assistance in obtaining signatures from property owners on the north and east side of the lake. This year the DNR required signatures from property owners on the north and east side of the bay for the permit.
If you would be able to help with the weed cutting this year, please call Kathy Flaata @ 320-974-8535. Thanks.
Carp Trap Update - Larry Redepenning
Tom Deadrick put the throats in the carp trap on April 23,2003. Ken Seeman of Dassel will clean out the trap once fish are trapped. He will be gone the month of June but has lined up two of his helpers to clean the trap out weekly until the end of June when our permit expires.
June is the month we trapped the most carp lasts year. So, it will be great if they clean it out weekly.
Restorable Wetlands Project (lake mapping project) - Judy Christensen
Judy presented this project to the board and a motion was made and 2nd to donate $1000 to the DNR for doing the lake mapping project.
Phosphorus-Free Fertilizer Program Proposal - Judy Christensen
Judy presented a phosphorus-free fertilizer program proposal. The proposal was approved by the Board and is now in effect.
The program objective: To educate people and encourage the use of phosphorous free fertilizer, the DLARA has established a program where every Association membership can obtain 1 free bag of phosphorus-free fertilizer that will cover 5000 square feet of lawn.
Each DLARA member can call Peterson Hardware in Atwater at 320-974-8823 to place their order. When talking to Andy, the member should tell him they are a DLARA member and want to pick up a free bag of phosphorus-free fertilizer. Andy will inform the Association member when he will have it in stock for pick up ( usually 1 - 3 days).
The Association member will go to Peterson Hardware, sign and date the DLARA membership roster and take a FREE bag of fertilizer.
This program will be funded through the Diamond Lake Phase II Continuation Grant under the Information/Education program element.
Diamond Lake Directory - Judy Christensen
Judy has worked with a disk received via Bill Schultz and the county last fall to create a Diamond Lake Directory. We are going to ask the county for an updated disk before publishing this directory to our members. Our plan is to have a new Diamond Lake Directory available this year in the July - August timeframe. The new directory will be available at our fall brunch meeting. You may also pick up your new directory by attending one of our DLA meetings.
Web Site Update - Judy Christensen
Judy has totally re-vamped the Diamond Lake Association Web Site. If you have any pictures about activity or projects around the lake that could be put in the web site, contact Judy or any board member.
Board Meeting Location and Attendance - Kathy Flaata
CHANGE OF LOCATION FOR THE DIAMOND LAKE ASSOCIATION MEETINGS. We will have our meetings at Mary Lou's Restaurant, Atwater, Mn. along with free coffee and cookies. The intent is to encourage people besides the Directors to attend the meetings.
Come join us for a FREE CUP OF COFFEE AND COOKIES on Tuesday May 27, 2003 at 7pm at Mary Lou's in Atwater. It's a chance to find out what's happening in and around Diamond Lake and share your ideas. SEE YOU THERE!!!!
Minutes submitted by Kathy Flaata