Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Board of Director's Meeting
7:00 PM Thursday July 18, 2002
Covell Building, Atwater
Diamond Lake Association Members present: Judy Christensen, Bob Meyerson, Dave Solbrack, Russell Johnson, Jon Hanson, Larry Redepenning, Kathy Flaata, Bill Schultz, Joan Schultz

Minutes read and approved.

Treasure's report read and approved.  Motion made and seconded to pay all bills as follows:
   · Tom Deadrick, hip boots -   $20.00
   · Dumping of dead carp - $20.00
   · Gas for weed cutting at $20 each -$60.00
     (Bill Schultz, Kathy Flaata, Tom Deadrick)
   · Baker Printers (Diamond Lake Newsletter) -$265.19
   · Mike Pickel (seeding of buffer strips)    $305.10
   · Marv Olsen (6.5 hours of work with farmers) -    $144.00
   · Marv Olsen (gas) - $24.64

Jon Hanson reported on comments received with membership dues.  Ideas received from members included:
   · settling pond on the inlet
   · septic systems checks
   · proposed cookbook with proceeds to the Diamond Lake Association
   · signage for individual homes
   · landscaping for steep banks and what grows the best around Diamond Lake
   · stocking of walleyes
   · personal interviews with people around the lake and put in newsletter.

Old Business

Farm / BMP / Burm Update - Marv Olsen was not present.  Hwy 12 and Kandiyohi watershed development not progressing.  Larry Redepenning will contact Marv Olsen to continue meeting with farmers regarding Burms and buffer strips.  Another person to contact is Rick Reimer in the ASCS office.  Dave Solbrack will assist Larry Redepenning if needed.  Judy Christensen will contact Rick Reimer to pursue his assistance.

Carp Trap Update - Bill Schultz reported approximately 8,800 pounds of carp was removed from the trap in 3 trips.  Seeman will remove carp two more times.  WRAC TV of Willmar would like to film the removal process.  Deadrick and Schultz will set dates with Seeman for next years carp removal.  Deadrick and Schultz were asked to write an article on carp trap and removal for the next Diamond Lake newsletter.  If possible, get the video from WRAC TV.

Stock of Fish Update - Larry Redepenning reported the DNR did not give approval for stocking of fish.

Reclassification of Dogfish Bay Update - Schultz found the web site that will give us assistance on how a reclassification was done in the Brainerd area. Tom Sykora has agreed to pursue the information on the web site and get it to Schultz.

Educational Program Update - Dave Solbrack unable to reach McComas.  Solbrack will pursue contacting ACGC to discuss educational opportunities.
New Business

Bill Schultz will check on signage for homes.

Russell Johnson reported that Allen's Septic has dumped 3 loads of sewage in an alfalfa field across the lake by Hwy 4 and 28.  This was just a few days prior to the heavy rains, and he was concerned about the runoff as the field was solid brown.  Bill Schultz will check with Jeff Bredberg at the EPA office to see if we have any recourse with Allen's Septic (i.e. what permits are required, can they simply dump sewage, etc.).

Board of Directors agreed if they have e-mail, they do not need to have the minutes and reminders sent to them in the mail, thus saving postage.

Judy Christensen was asked to stop in at the Atwater State Bank to put her signature on the Diamond Lake Association checking account.

Tracking of in-kind activities were discussed.  Joan Schultz presented an activity log drawn up by Judy Christensen from several suggestions.  Handed out a log to each board member present to keep track of in-kind hours.  Logs to be turned into Bob Meyerson by next to the last meeting of the year for tracking.

Central location of Association property was discussed.  Bill Schultz asked if the association would be able to purchase a shed for storage of association property.  This would allow everything to be in one location and easily accessible.  Also, we need an inventory of items owned by the Association. To date we know of weed cutters (8), boots and a net.  Schultz will check on the cost of the shed.  IN addition, Schultz will check with the county to see if we can put the shed at the County park; another alternative was offered by Russell Johnson to store the shed on his land. 

The agenda for the picnic was discussed and approved.

Next meeting September 19th 2002 at Covell building in Atwater at 7pm. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Joan Schultz