Members Present: Bob Meyerson, Larry Redepenning, Gordon Bloomquist, Russell Johnson, Jon Hanson, Jennifer Davenport, Kathy Flaata, Bill Schultz,
Joan Schultz, Dave Solbrack, Tom Deadrick
Guest: Lowell Skoglund
Meyerson presented four items needing to be on our agenda:
1. Update Board of Directors/Members
2. Status of the Fish Trap
3. Budget
4. Diamond Lake News
Paul Rasmussen,President,has not attended a meeting for the past year; the assumption is he is not our President! His name will be removed from the Board of Director's List. Solbrack was asked to take on the position of President but politely declined.
Gruenhagen is now employed out of town but wishes to remain involved when his schedule permits. Christensen does not live here year-round but attends meetings when at the lake. She also maintains our Diamond Lake Website-both these members will remain on the Board.
Citing family and other time commitments this year, Davenport resigned as a Board member-creating a need for a new Secretary. Joan Schultz agreed to take meeting notes and Jon Hanson offered to type these notes.
Treasurer's Report:
Hanson and Atwater Bank determined the Association owes the bank for DL News postage $304.80
Schultz presented a bill for the carp trap (rebuilding & reinstalling by Kragenbring) 385.00
Davenport presented the following : Postage 20.04
Lakescaping of Residence 219.91
Secretarial Work March 2001-March 2001 250.00
Meyerson - MLA Membership-Annually 20.00
MM & 2nd to approve payment of these expenses.
Joan Schultz has not yet received the bill from Highway Dept. ($200-250.00) for three address signs installed but this expense was approved at a previous meeting. The signs look great and should be very helpful-especially for emergency vehicles trying to find an address-Thank you, Joan for taking care of this!
Meyerson made his (annual!) suggestion that we REDUCE the Diamond Lake Dues from $25.00 .....and was again voted down by the group! Dues will remain at $25.00, a tear-off sheet will be included in the DL News with space for lake residents to make suggestions for lake projects.
Carp Trap - Lowell Skoglund, Gruenhagen and Schultz are keeping tabs on the situation. If the fish start moving, the carp will need to be removed. Meyerson has DNR permit for Association to remove carp. Gilbertson had suggested we contact Seeman of Dassel about removing the carp. Deadrick will be in touch with Seeman about this; Solbrack made motion to authorize Deadrick to pay up to $2,000.00 for this -motion 2nd & approved. The trap was damaged when being installed-fingers were bent-making it necessary for Kragenbring to do some rebuilding.
The Grant Budget was discussed. McComas had prepared a sample budget outline for us to check over. Minor changes in amounts of funds for some projects. Solbrack requested we hire Marv Olson to work with area landowners on the north side of Hwy. 12-U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service would like to put 2-3 berms on land in that area but is getting resistance from a couple of landowners. MM & 2nd to ask Olson to act as liaison on this matter.
Other matters:
Bill Schultz will call area merchants to see who is selling Phosphate-Free fertilizer this Spring.
Flaata offered to organize the CurlyLeaf Weed Cutting Project this year. Deadrick & Davenport will help her determine when the weeds need to be cut. McComas has recommended the project be continued on a 'maintenance' program annually.
Bill Schultz spoke recently with Dean Anderson, attorney about the possibilities of reclassifying DogFish Bay. Anderson stated that probably the Association is 'trying to be too restrictive-if we try to limit construction on one area of the lake-we have to limit it on the entire lake'. He feels that would be 'pretty tough to accomplish'. Schultz will continue to keep an eye on this issue.
Schultz will also contact Bruce Gilbertson about obtaining 'No Fishing' signs that can be posted near (between) the gates by the carp trap.
MM & 2nd to adjourn at 8:50 PM.
Next meeting: Thursday June 13, 2002 7:00 PM at the Meyerson home
Jennifer Davenport