Members Present: Bob Meyerson, Larry Redepenning, Dave Solbrack, Kathy Flaata, Jon Hanson, Kevin Gruenhagen, Russ Johnson, Tom Sykora, Bill Schultz, Joan Schultz, Jennifer Davenport.
Secretary's report was read. One correction: Bill Schultz has not contacted the commercial fisherman at this point; he will do so late August. Report was approved and accepted.
Treasurer's report: Total $31,570.47. Report approved and accepted.
Old business:
Plans were made for the Annual Meeting on August 18, 2001.
We will pass out copies of McComas Phase II Action Plan to residents who will be asked to submit ideas or comments. Lake residents will also be asked to volunteer to help implement these proposed projects.
The status of the proposed Bernard development will be mentioned: mainly that his petition was denied and if he wishes to continue on the matter, he must begin the process all over.
Discussion was held regarding the possibility of reclassifying the area of Bernard's proposed development or possibly the entire lake. Sykora has done some research on this matter and believes the Association would need to go before the Kandiyohi County Commissioners with a petition. Sykora has talked to Bruce Gilbertson, DNR, who stated the DNR would work with the Association and provide background information on the Dog Fish Bay as a spawning area. In order to learn more about this issue and know what the options are, Bill Schultz will contact Paula Schroeder about Dog Fish Bay and ask if she would address the Board. Sykora will ask Bruce Gilbertson if it could possibly be classified as an Environmentally Sensitive Area.
Bill Schultz has not yet been contacted by Steve McComas regarding his findings after recently checking the lake water quality. Schultz will call McComas.
Solbrack was recently contacted by Bill Schimmel would the Association like Schimmel to pay Marv Olson for his liason work from the Grant Money? MM & 2nd to have Schimmel do so.
Redepenning reported on recent meetings with Pickle, property owner, and Jon Hanson, Steve Smith and Marv Olson. The meetings have gone well. It was hoped there was a way for the Diamond Lake Association and the MPCA to work together. The MPCA has not yet established and rules or regulations pertaining to feedlots. Pickle is willing to plant a buffer strip along the creek with assistance from the Association in the form of $300.00 for the first year and $100.00 - $150.00 after that (this will include the fence and seed). Also, Pickle has an alfalfa field on the north side which Marv Olson recommends leaving 75 feet of unplowed. MM & 2nd to have Hanson and Redepenning 'get the ball rolling' on these BMP's by determining how much land and how many dollars to pay Pickle to allow this land to not be harvested.
Solbrack mentioned checking with Steve Erickson, US Fish & Wildlife, about the availability of any programs that might qualify for the Pickle land.
Flaata has spoken with Daryl Winkelman, Atwater Fire Department, about the difficulty of emergency vehicles locating homes. Winkelman says it is up to the homeowner to install 3" fluorescent letters and numbers on the road near their property.
Joan Schultz has spoken with Dave Fritz about numbers she has seen posted on properties in other counties, these were provided by grant monies. Fritz will check into the possibility of having a sign installed on 159th Street, which is a private road. Flaata will write an article about this signage / location issue for the Diamond Lake News.
Flaata reports that Judy Christensen will attend the annual meeting and bring information for residents to view about the Diamond Lake web site.
September meeting to be held on Sept 12, 2001.
Flaata and Joan Schultz volunteered to help with the annual meeting.
MM & 2nd to adjourn.
Submitted by,
Jennifer Davenport