Members Present: Bob Meyerson, Jennifer Davenport, Jon Hanson, Larry Redepenning, Gordy Bloomquist, Kevin Gruenhagen, Kathy Flaata,
Dave Solbrack, Joan Schultz
Secretary's report was read, one correction made: Larry Redepenning was present at June meeting, then approved.
Treasurer's Report was read and approved. Three CD's matured on June 30, 2001 - they were renewed for 12 months. 138 dues have been paid. Redepenning and Johnson recently audited the financial paperwork, found everything in order and thanked Hanson for doing an excellent job as Treasurer.
Old Business: BMP's/watershed. Redepenning asked Marv Olson to set a meeting between Redepenning, Olson and Eldon Pickle. Redepenning states it was a worthwhile meeting with several issues covered and it is hoped they can arrange to begin implementing BMP's on the Pickle Property such as buffer/filter strips. Another meeting is scheduled for 9:00 AM on Monday July 16, 2001 at the Pickle Farm. Steve Wright and Jon Hanson will try to attend this meeting. MM and 2nd to allow Hanson & Redepenning the authority to offer $10,000 DLA money if needed to implement BMP's.
Joan Schultz reported that Bill Schultz has contacted Commercial Fisherman Rau about rough fish disposal; Gruenhagen has also talked with Rau. More detail late fall.
Gruenhagen has spoken to Bruce Gilbertson - how to implement something to keep debris out of trap fingers. Gilbertson advised to get the trap up and running efficiently then look at the Hubbard-Schultz-Wheeler Chain. Gilbertson thinks there is some type of gate/trap design that allows debris through. Gruenhagen states that Steve Meyer does not wish to serve on the Board, but he has agreed to maintain/clean the trap.
Steve McComas was out on Friday, July 6. Meyerson accompanied him as McComas dove and sampled Diamond Lake water. McComas reports there is virtually no curlyleaf pondweed. He did report large numbers of snails this year. McComas plans to attend the Annual Meeting.
New Business: There have been a few reports from lake residents that question the septic system at the Phillip Miller property. Davenport will send a letter to County Zoning and DNR offices, asking what can be done to check this out, what steps the Association can take to improve the situation if the septic is not up to code.
Schultz asked if the Diamond Lake News could publish a 'directory' of agencies/numbers lake residents can call with questions about lake issues. Meyerson will try to incorporate such a listing into next Spring issues.
CLEAR - the phosphate-free fertilizer is available at Cenex in Willmar, sometimes in Atwater and at Green Lake Nursery.
Dick Engstrom and his son attended the meeting and discussed with the Board the situation with the driveway & culvert installed and the mobile home that was moved in on the Rob Kragenbring property last week. Engstrom has talked to the Kandiyohi County Zoning Office where he was told 'there is NO ordinance in the county against moving a trailer onto property'. Cities, lake associations or developers can set their own ordinances. Engstrom will talk to Tom Groshens and ash him what can be done, how can this issue be controlled, can the association petition, etc., and report back to the Board.
Flaata and Schultz mentioned a recent situation of an ambulance not being able to locate a property during a call due to lack of signage. Redepenning advised Flaata to contact Gary Danielson about this; Flaata will do so and also talk to Daryl Winkelman about the possibility of fire signs being posted.
Flaata reported from Judy Christensen that the DL website has had 535 visits. Christensen also informed us that the web service now charges $19.99 per year - Christensen has paid this. MM and 2nd to reimburse her.
Annual Meeting/picnic: August 19 @ 9:00 AM at the County Park Shelter. Davenport will advertise and order coffee, juice & rolls. Davenport will invite Harlan Madsen to attend and speak briefly.
September meeting scheduled for Sept 12.
Meeting adjourned.
Submitted by, Jennifer Davenport, Secretary