Members Present: Bob Meyerson, Jennifer Davenport, Jon Hanson, Dave Solbrack, Kevin Gruenhagen, Kathy Flaata, Russel Johnson, Larry Redepenning, Tom Deadrick
Guests: Marv Olson, Steve McComas, Judy Christensen
Marv Olson gave a brief report on his work as liaison between the Association and area farmers. His objective was to talk with 25 farmers using the MPCA survey sheet to determine BMP's being used by farmers and how they relate to water quality. Olson spoke with 17 farmers. A copy of his report is attached. He agreed to continue as liaison a few hours per year at $30.00 / hour.
April Minutes were read, one correction made concerning asking price of the Bernard property then approved.
Treasurer's Report was read and approved.
The equipment for the DNR monitoring came to $6,914.00 ($6,500.00 max approved at April mtg.). MM by Flaata to approve the extra amount: 2nd.
Gruenhagen showed pictures of the trap/throat that his son and Boy Scout friends constructed. Costs for materials: $295.33. MM and 2nd to reimburse Gruenhagen for those expenses. He also imformed us that half the gate on Co. Rd #137 is down do to debris, brush and high water and will need to be replaced.
Steve McComas gave an update on his work in the area. He is involved in the Green Lake Milfoil project so expects to be in West Central Area often this year. His last sampling of Diamond Lake water was end of March; no results yet.
McComas agreed to remain as Consultant for the Association, he will contact Jeff Bredburg about our current grant amount, what is required, etc. then develop plan/budget with emphasis on agricultural BMP's. This will be a three year project/grant.
Judith Christensen (and each Board Member!) crowded into Meyerson's office in order to log-on and view the Diamond Lake Website she has created: Christensen has obviously spent a great deal of time creating this web site and now would like someone from the Board to become responsible for and maintain the site.
Solbrack MM and 2nd by Flaata for Christensen to become a member of the Board of Director's. Thank you, Judith for agreeing to serve!
Davenport presented bill for:
Secretarial Work March 2000 through March 2001$250.00
MM & 2nd to pay her.
Do to heavy reservations at the County Park date for Annual Picnic / Meeting changed to:9 AM Saturday, August 18, 2001.
Davenport will check with Bruce Gilbertson re:Curly Leaf Weed Permit mailed in by Rasmussen?
Next meeting: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 at the Meyerson Residence.
Respectfully Submitted, Jennifer Davenport