The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am.
The current board directors were introduced. Present were Anita Hagen, Pat Ryan, Tim Groshens, Bob Myerson, Mark Kragenbring, Mark Streed, Ben Anderson, Jeff Gertgen, Tom Hayden, Eric Hohman and Brian Weist. Absent was Roger Steinke.
The minutes of board meetings during the year are on the DLARA website.
The minutes from the June 18, 2022 annual meeting were read and approved.
The treasurer’s report was as follows: checking $5128.52, savings $1024.99, money market $68782.44 for a total of $74935.95. There are 269 out of 358 paid 2023 memberships. Treasurer’s report was approved as read.
Election of board directors was held. Directors whose terms expire in 2023 are Roger Steinke, Tim Groshens and Bob Meyerson. Tim Groshens, Bob Meyerson, Gordon Behm and Dean Volk were elected. President Tim thanked Roger Steinke for his years on the board.
County Commissioner Duane Anderson spoke of the walking path on County Road 4, the new Soil Conservation Chrm, Margaret Johnson and his participation on the AIS taskforce.
John Morales represented the Watershed District and gave a background of the Watershed District. The District drains 271 acres, monitors water quality by testing lakes each month during the summer, and offers 50% rain garden match up to $3,000 per residence. Personal property management of chemical use and weed control helps determine lake quality.
Eric Hohman gave a report on AIS (Aquatic Invasive Species). We are compliant with the DNR regulations. We are using Limnopro to manage AIS by surveying and treating curly leaf pond weed which grows early in the year, usually by July 1st. Chemicals used are highly regulated. In 2023 we treated 70 acres at a cost of $70,000. We have treated N & NE, now SW and W areas. This treatment helps manage, not control, weed growth. Boat ramps need to be monitored for Starry Stone Wart, a very invasive species.
The DLARA board is sponsoring a lake event, Weed Fest, on Saturday July 22 with hours of 2-7 pm at the County Park. There will be live music, food trucks, lake weed education and sewer grinder information.
Open Mike items: Be aware of the warning light on sewer system. Winter lake cleanup was not done this year due to quick thaw, freezing. There is an invasion of Emerald Ash Bore with a timeline of 5-10 years affecting all ash trees.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 am.
Respectfully submitted, Pat Ryan, Sec