Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Annual Meeting
June 13, 2015
County Park #3
Board members present Gordon Behm, Becky Ricklefs, Colleen O’Leary, Ken Gutzwiller,  Jim Teschendorf, Brian Weseman, Gordy Bloomquist, Diane Rivard, Tim Groschens, Bob Meyerson.

VP, Jim Teschendorf, called the meeting to order at 930am.  He introduced the directors and determined that there was a quorum and about 20 at large members present.

The Treasurers report was presented.  As of 13 May 2015 -- Savings $12,278.43, Checking $13390.05, 4-CDs- $14172.99.  Grand Total - $39841.47.  Deposits - $600.00 dues.  Withdrawals -$137.76 mile/supplies, $776.00 liability ins, $529.80 Dumpsters.  Paid membership – 257.  Motion by Ken, 2nd by Tim to accept this report.  Motion carried.

Minutes of the 2014 Annual Meeting were summarily read, Motion by Brian, 2nd by Ken to accept minutes.  Motion carried.
Bills presented to be paid:  PML - $8703.88 (Invasives weed spray, appox ½ to be reimbursed), $44.90 Harv for mile/supplies.  Motion by Gordy Behm, 2nd by Becky.  Motion carried.

Margaret Johnson of the MFCRWSD gave an update on the Hubbard lake chain project.  It has been in the planning stages since 2010.  This chain of shallow lakes presents 75-80% of the phosphorous to Diamond Lake, which translates to 8.2 semis of algae.  There were a few easement issues but those have been resolved.  The DU will simulate a draught (drawdown), which will in turn kill the carp, roughfish, and invasive plants.  They will then refill.  Several public meetings have been held.  There is still a lot of preparation to do.  Anticipated construction is in Fall of 2016.
Margaret also reported on the Water Quality of Diamond Lake.  It is cleaner than prior to projects ~63ppm but much more progress is necessary.  The state suggests 12 ppm.  TMDL has recommended a new Fish Barrier, Improved Wastewater treatment, Ag projects, Lake Shore Best Management projects, Education of lake property owners on the reduction of phosphorous, Control of Curly Pond Leaf and other invasives, and Upstream Lake Management.  All have been accomplished and have programs in place except for the Upstream Lake Management and that is in the planning stages with the Hubbard/Wheeler/Schultz chain project.

Jim reported that Lake Directories are available on the website by name and by address.  Members may download at (http://diamondlakeassociation.homestead.com).  If you have no computer access, stop at Harlan Meints’ home, 14249 Breezy Point Road, to pick one up.

Harlan Madsen was unable to attend but sent the following message. “I will be unable to attend on Saturday.  Please assept my apologies.  I am sending this report that you may share at your discretion.  I support the repair and upgrade of the east access on Diamond Lake.  The winter was kind and it was prudent to invest in some long overdue improvements.  The outlet to Lake Elizabeth will also be replaced and has been on the list for over 15 years.  The improvements and reroute to Co Rd 4 will be on the board agenda this summer, it has been placed in either 2017 0r 2019.  There are issues with wetlands, funding (with the lack of a dedicated funding from the state) and condition of roads through the county.  If the plan is 2017 meetings will be held in early 2016.  We are experiencing a strong economy in our county and are undergoing the biggest demographic changes in history (aging population, a more diverse population, a trained labor shortage, etc)  AIS (aquatic invasive species) continues to be a concern of many and the task force continues to be proactive.  The MFCRWD is a strong partner in this initiative and is key to managing the inspections that are conducted at each lake.  Lastly we are the epicenter for the avian flu outbreaks and the response center for the state and even involving our neighbors to the west.  This is devasting to our area and will have long term effects on our economy and the industry as a whole.  We are very concerned about the mental health issues that are the result of extreme stress on everyone.  Many meetings have occurred with a wide stake holder group to make every effort to assist where ever we can.  Thank you and I trust you will have an informative meeting.  Sincerely, Harlan Madsen”

A memo was also received from Mr. Mel Owens who replaces Mr. Gary Danielson.  “Greetings to Diamond Lake Residents!  I hope everyone had a good winter and is getting ready to enjoy the lake!  I’d like to introduce myself and Nathan Reed as we are in new positions within the Kandiyohi County Public Works Department.
I am the new Public Works Director/ County Engineer replacing Gary Danielson who retired in November, 2014.  Gary had worked for the department for over 32 years.  I am a native of South Dakota and a graduate of South Dakota State University returning to the area after working for MnDot for 4 years as the State Aid Engineer/ Assistant District Engineer.  I was hired by the county in September, 2014.  Previous employment also included the SD DOT and 14 years as the Public Works Director/City Engineer for the City of Willmar.  I look forward to the opportunity to serve the county in this capacity.
Nathan Reed, GLSSWD Superintendent, has replaced Ron Hagemeier who retired in January, 2015.  Ron had worked for the district since 2000.  Nathan, a southern Minnesota native, received his Associates in Arts Degree from Ridgewater College in Willmar and an Associats of Applied Science Degree from St. Cloud Technical College in the Water Environmental Technologies Program.  He has been employed by Green Lake Sanitary Sewer and Water District since August of 2000 and promoted to superintendent in December, 2014.”

Election of Officers: Jim Teschendorf, Harlan Meints, Ken Gutzwiller and Diane Rivard terms are expiring.  All of the previous mentioned have agreed to serve another 3 year term.  Motion by Brian and 2nd by Carl Zeidler to cast unanimous ballot for the above directors.  Motion carried.
Jim also mentioned that there are 2 vacant positions.  Although there were no volunteers or nominations, Millie Wheeler spoke up.  She indicated that she was supposed to be a board member but that she never got emails telling her when the meetings were.  She has only attended the 2 Annual Meetings in 2 years and the Board had dismissed her as per attendance requirements.  It was explained that it is necessary for directors to participate so that a quorum is present and we can conduct timely business.  Email was verified and Motion by Colleen, 2nd by Ken to reinstate Millie Wheeler to the board.  Motion carried.

Comments were made about the speed on County Highway #4 and on Breezy Point Road.  This problem continues.

A drawing of all paid members was held for a 50 gallon Rain Barrel.  The winner is Ms. Cheryl Ikier.

Motion to adjourn Gordy Behm, 2nd Brian.

Respectfully submitted,

Colleen O’Leary