Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Annual Meeting
June 16, 2012
County Park #3
jBoard members present:  Bob Meyerson, Gordy Behm, Harlan Meints, Jim Teschendorf, Jerry Ebersviller, Ken Gutzwiller, Becky Ricklefs, Lisa Piotrowski

A quorum being present, Harlan called the meeting to order at 9:30 am

The minutes of last year’s Annual meeting (18Jun11) were read.  The $7000
DLARA contributed to the fish barrier was corrected as $14000 and lake
directories can be obtained from the website were corrections made to the minutes.
Motion-Ken, Second-Gordy to approve the amended minutes. Motion passed.

Lisa presented the Treasurer’s Report.  As of May 31, 2012, the checking balance is
$6361.50, Savings Account $27125.13, CDs totaling $13971.92, Cash Balance $60.00 for a total of $47,518.55. 

Lisa presented bills to pay as follows:  $487.14 to Ramsey Printing for the newsletter,
$24 to Thompson Bakery for doughnuts for the meeting.  She reported we have 126 paid 2012 members.  Motion Ken, Second Jerry to approve the Treasurer’s Report.
Motion Jerry, Second Ken to pay the bills.  Motions passed.


Dean Helstrom held a question & answer session on the sewer project.  He informed us that there is a trouble-shooting guide on the Bolton & Menk website or residents can call Del or Dean.  Del’s number is 507-381-9232.  All properties are connected and operational.  Ellingson will be here next week working on ditches on the East side and Breezy Point.  Six meters were not properly drained last fall and froze over the winter.  Dean said when you blow out the water line to break it loose from the line and leave it disconnected over the winter to avoid that problem.  Goettsch is putting out a manual on maintenance of the water pumps.  After five years, the warranty is up on the pumps.  Billy Stewart of B & J Lake Region Electric will provide maintenance after that.  Some seasonal homes had pumps that appeared to air lock.  They will be monitored next year.  There will be links on Bolton & Menk Webster for videos on future help.  Padlocks will be handed out in July.  The sewer district, etc will have master keys to get in if needed.  A question was asked about groundwater leaking in the pumping.

The DNR vegetative study is on the DLARA website.  Nicholas Brown from Hutchinson is the new contact for invasive species.  We were told not to cut curly pond leaf this year as it was too late with the warm winter and no snow cover.  Because of no snow cover, we have a lot of weeds on the lake.  The clarity was 18 foot a month ago, 12 foot 3 weeks ago, and 8 to 12 foot now.  29% of the weeds on the lake are curly leaf, which is the only invasive weed we have.  Chemicals could be used on it, but it is expensive and unreliable.  Nest Lake is spending $25000 on a harvester and has two full-time employees cutting and they still can’t keep up.  We probably will cut next year depending on the weather.  They need to be cut before they form seeds.  The question was asked, “how do we prevent our lake from becoming like Nest.  Harlan Madsen commented that the last winter is what hurt Nest Lake.  They were doing okay until no snow cover made the weeds grow and undid eight years of work.  We need volunteers to take out pontoons to cut the weeds.   The Association would pay the permit fee for any group who wanted to cut the weeds.  The permission of all homeowners where the weeds are cut is needed. We could possibly have a meal after the work is done provided by the Association. Disposal of weeds from the shore was discussed also.  The map is on the website so people can see where the curly leaf is.  Brian Weseman on the East side of the lake volunteers to take the lead in his area.  Jeff Anderson and Jerry Ebersviller also volunteered.

Jim Teschendorf reported on the fish barrier on the channel between Hubbard and Diamond to control carp.  The cost doubled by the time the DNR finished the study from $30,000 to $70,000.  Going forward, additional funds, applied for by Bruce Gilbertsen, from DNR fisheries, are available.  Construction is scheduled for August.  We will need to clean it occasionally.  The DNR is the owner of the fish trap.

Ducks Unlimited is studying fixing and improving the Hubbard Lake Chain.  The Watershed District, DLARA, and Ducks Unlimited is paying for the feasibility study.
Harlan explained there will be a dam on Schultz and it will be lowered to 1 foot.  The other lakes will then drain into Schultz until they are 1 foot.  That will kill the carp and it will return duck hunting areas.  There will be structures in between each lake.  This will start in 3 to 5 years with a cost of $800,000 to $1 million.  Grant money is available for the project.  Approval must be gained from the county, township, landowners, etc.  This process can only be repeated every two years, as needed.


Harlan has stickers that can be put on boats that tell how to clean them for invasive species.  He also has a video on invasive species.  He has sheets on zebra mussels.  He has a sheet telling the new laws about pulling the plug on your boat when you leave the water.  This includes the live well, bait buckets, etc.  There is a $100 fine
if you don’t do this.  Harlan also has a card you can put in your billfold that tells the drying time needed for zebra mussels to die.  He told us the DNR says you do not need a permit if you are replacing rocks from the ice ridges this winter and if you are not putting a device in the water.  Contractors don’t need permits either.  But if you are putting a device in the water, then you need a device.

A $500 check to pay for an Educational grant to MFCRWSD was lost in the mail last year.  It was decided to just write a new check to replace it.

There will not be Fourth of July boat parade this year unless someone volunteers to head it.

We did not put dumpsters on the lake last winter because we were told no funds were available.  It turns out that $200 is available.  We can get dumpsters year round from Miller Sanitation for $530 for two sites.  With $200 from the county, we can get the dumpsters for $330.  Motion Gordy, Second Bob to put the dumpsters on the lake year-round.

Richard Phillips is no longer going to be a board member.  Jim Teschendorf, Harlan Meints, Ken Gutzwiller, and Elaine Sietsema will run again.  Diane Divard has agreed to fill Richard’s spot.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the slate of candidates and to elect the 5 people to the board.

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 11:05.