Diamond Lake Area
Recreational Association
Atwater, Minnesota
Annual Meeting
9:00 AM Saturday August 18, 2007
Kandiyohi County Park 3, Atwater
The meeting was called to order by President Harlan Meints at 9:00 AM in the County Park 3 building.  The minutes from the August 19, 2006 Annual Meeting were reported by Secretary Vicki Behm and approved.  Treasurer Jon Hanson reported the total balance as of 8/17/2007 of $55,566.41 and one new bill for the donuts and coffee.  Motion carried to accept the treasury report and pay the bill.  To date 236 Association members have paid their dues.  Each paid member will receive a 2007 Lake Directory.


Approval of New By-laws.
Bob Meyerson pointed out that “fiscal” year was spelled incorrectly on page 5 of the by-laws. Judy Christensen to reflect the change on the website.  There were no other comments.  The motion was made to accept the by-laws with the spelling correction.  Motion carried.


Judy Christensen’s Resignation
Harlan announced Judy Christensen’s resignation. Judy has offered to remain in charge of the website.  Motion to accept Judy’s resignation was made by Bob Curruthers, second.  Motion carried.

Julie Klocker Presentation
Julie Kocker, Administrator for the Middle Fork Crow Watershed District, gave a highly educational and interesting presentation.  The topics she covered included:
1.  The watershed district; who and what they are, their primary goals and financial information.
2. What about algae; general information, classes of algae, how blooms occur and summary of monitoring.  She stated the use of copper sulfate to kill algae is not recommended as it kills off all critters that eat algae and causes cancer in humans.  Diamond Lake is the lake of concern for the MFCWD as it is “impaired waters”.  MFCWD very much wants to work in partnership with the DLARA to improve water quality.  The TMDL study will assist with providing data which allows us to get more funding to address the issues.
3.  Sewage treatment issues.  The watershed has no authority for sewer treatment, only the County has the authority/responsibility to ensure proper sewage treatment.  However, rather than have the County dictate to the Diamond Lake Association members their solution, we have an option to have a voice.  Julie proposed the lake Association members participate in a U of M study which would take approximately two months.  As a Diamond Lake community, we can come up with a plan to ensure sewage is properly treated and present to the County.  The law requires all sewage be treated and if we can recommend an alternative to the “centralized system” with a grinder pump loop around the lake, the County is open to listening to our solutions. Motion was made to move forward with the UM Study, second.  Motion carried.   Julie will coordinate with the U of M to set up a meeting to kick-off a presentation on Small Community Wastewater Options. It is important we have as many Lake Association Members attend as possible.  Bob M. to put date and time in the newsletter and the watershed will also send out a letter to all Association members.  Julie will get a weekend date, Saturday, and the meeting will be held at the Atwater Community Center @ 9:00 AM.

Board of Director Election
Harlan Meints, Bob Carruthers, Lowell Skoglund and Vicki Behm’s terms have expired.  With Judy Christensen’s resignation and Rhonda Nordin’s “no-show” status, there are a total of 7 potential openings on the Board.  Harlan M., Bob C., Lowell S. and Vicki B. have all agreed to stay on the Board for another three year term if the Association members approve.  Bob Meyerson reported three additional Director Nominations: Tim Groshens, Becky Ricklefs and Ken Gutzwiller.  Motion was made to accept all seven nominations, second.  Motion carried.

High Speed Internet
Jim Teschendorf shared that 50 people are interested in high speed internet and he has talked with Frontier and they have started working on the infrastructure with partial in place by September.  Jim to follow up with Frontier.

Speed Limits
A concern was voiced that there needed to be more speed limit signs on Breezy Point Road as people are driving way too fast.  Harlan M will see what can be done.

Meeting adjourned at 10:45 AM.

Respectfully submitted by Vicki Behm, Secretary