Board Members Present: Judy Christensen, Bob Meyerson, Larry Redepenning, Dave Solbrack, Kathy Flaata, Jon Hanson, Kevin Gruenhagen, Tom Deadrick, Bill Schultz, Joan Schultz.
Guests: Harlen Mattson, Steve McComas
Approximately 47 lake residents attended in addition to the Board members
Board members were introduced.
Treasurer's report was read by - $36,963.
Harlan Mattson talked about the following:
* Road north of Atwater to be built this fall county road 10 into Spicer, 2.5 mile project.
* Worked with livestock producers to clean up lakes, streams & ditches.
* Park #3 will have old house replaced and new one this fall.
* Sewer ordered around the lake question discussed - what does Diamond Lake want. This is a decision for lake residents, it should be discussed, but it is at least 10 years down the road.
* State & Federal budget to county grants being held 0 maybe only 50% will be forthcoming.
* County has no money to put 911 signs by each home. Possibly members should pay for ourselves.
Kathy Flaata reported on weed cutting. Steve McComas explained about milfoil growth (nitrogen responsible).
Bill Schultz report 7 ton of carp had been removed from the lake this year. Lowell Skoglund comment on grass carp as possibly a few of these could be put in the lake Steve McComas stated this is illegal in Minnesota and not good for the lakes.
Bob Meyerson gave a budget recap. Ideas for potential projects are:
* bike or walking path this is approximately $3000 per mile per Harlen Mattson. Larry Redepenning will do a study on speed limits and shoulders
* Bull head removal
* Filter strips "Restore your shore" for lake property owners.
Steve McComas talked about:
* Buffer strips along shore line (lakescaping) as run off carries nutrients into lakes. 15-20 feet of buffer strips can help. A shore line inventory with picture of lots from lake with no names will be done. It will be a volunteer program if you want to know how your lot is rated.
* Alum pellet test alum binds phosphorus, reduces nutrients in the sediment. This is approximately $1 per pound.
* Help our lake - algae is up, clarity is down. Reduce amount of carp and plants may come back on their own. Reverse aeration would kill of carp. DLA working on it with DNR.
Meeting adjourned at 10:45 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Joan Schultz